They say that there is nothing stronger and more accurate than a mother’s intuition. I think that this case/Cathy proved that saying is not just a bunch of words out together. She wanted her daughter to have a good life and she did what she thought was right. The fact that her baby ended up in such a fucked up situation wasn’t her fault, but I assume that in her darkest moments she thinks that if she didn’t give up her daughter, she would still be alive. Obviously, we have no idea how some of ours actions will turn out in the future, but I don’t think that anyone would’ve come up with something so sick and twisted. Christians scare me more and more every day. I’ve yet to meet one that isn’t a total nut job. And I say that as someone who has been brought up in a Christian family.
B*enda and D*nnis will definitely go to the lowest point of hell. They’re not human.
D*nnis is straight up evil. If all the crimes that he has eventually admitted to committing were not just a litany of lies, then dear God… I have no words.
And B*enda is no better really. She may have not committed any of those horrific crimes, but for some bloody reason, she let all of this happen to “her daughter”, whom she was supposed to love and protect. And she also supported and stayed with this animal!!! What person does that?! Has she ever thought about Vanessa? And that he may be doing something weird to her too? I mean, from the snippet that we got I assume that eventually, over the years Vanessa became the daughter they wanted her to be you know? Their copy. Awful.
Also, when B*enda gave Cathy only half of the ashes I was just mad. One: after everything how dare she claim anything of that poor girl. And second: after her body was dismembered, she really thought that it would be a good idea to divide her ashes in two… insensitive bitch. All she ever cared about was that devil she was married to. I will never believe that she cared and cried for “her daughter”, not once. She only mourned herself and her husband.