This show was so good. It’s one of those shows you throw on an episode every now and then, and the story is amazing. It’s emotional and just a great story overall. It definitely is very dramatic because I can inform you high school is not exactly like this at all but it’s still a good story. Zendaya has played the best addict I have ever seen in TV. It’s not one of my favs but is underrated for sure. How they handle this show isn’t the best though. It started in 2019 and we’ve only had 2 seasons with the second one releasing in 2022. We’re waiting for the 3rd season which releases in 2026, that doesn’t make sense. Why is it taking forever to make a new season that only has 8 episodes. It’s not how a tv show should run but that’s really this shows only flaw. The ending to season 2 was better than the first and it honestly kinda felt like an ending to the whole show. Hopefully season 3 is the last because this shouldn’t be lasting this long.