Holy macaroni y'all!!
Yeah so I don’t think I’m shocking anyone by saying I think this was preeeeeeeeeeeeeeetty great, overrated to some extent cuz idk how some people be saying this is close to or even better than 1x9; it's my third fav of the show so far prob but tbh it’s not even close to being first.
Might end up going more in depth on this ep later in an edit/separate review but not rn cuz it's 1am lol. But yeah I gotta say I loved how everything came together in this one, and I disagree with everyone saying the 'twist' was predictable, I think the way the show set it up was pretty genius in how it had the fanbase divided coming into this one, and I think the idea of this 'ORTBO' or wtv it was called kinda forcing the team to confront these deep seated feelings they can't really address in an office setting more directly (i.e. Irving confronting his suspicions, Mark confronting how he feels about Helly rather than chickening out like in the last ep, even Dylan, who didn’t have so much to do this episode, which is fine btw, being separated from everyone else on this excursion in some really minor but meaningful moments) felt like a very smart way to tackle these conflicts.
So yeah overall this was pretty darn good, I feel like this rating could go up or down by the end of this season (or maybe even by the end of the show lol), depending on whether we get more answers on questions like what were the foundations of Irving’s dream, tf was that seal doing there, what's up with the clones and whether Irving not having an elevator beep as his innie 'died' is indicative of possible reintegration?? So many questions man