I can’t imagine going through that hell for 20 years and just taking it, believing that I’m the problem and trying to come up with new ways to make my abuser happy. Richard has to be a saint, because I can’t think of a single person that I know that would behave the way he did and remain so… calm? Definitely strong.
I also wish they added a wee bit more information regarding Sheree’s upbringing and past. It wouldn’t excuse her actions, but I’m curious nonetheless. I suspect that the drinking problem runs in the family.
Despite the overall disturbing experience etc. I’m glad that people try to make others more aware of such horrible situations. And yes, men can also be victims of domestic abuse. It’s less common, but it happens. I’m also always sad when good people end up with such villains as Sheree. When I was younger I thought that’s really unfair how practically every man that my mum brought home was quickly turning out to be an absolute waste of space and how there weren’t many good men in the world, and yet somewhere out there there was a good man that could’ve made her happy, but he was in an equally terrible situation. I don’t know if that makes sense, and I’m not saying that every man is either the devil or abused by their partner, but that’s just how 8 year old me saw the world most of the time.
Also, I feel so bad for the girls. Seeing things like that messes you up. And whoever thinks that they won’t remember this when they get older - you’re wrong. Believe me they will, at least the oldest will, not sure about the other two, but the oldest will know.
And Sheree getting only a four year sentence is such a joke! She abused him for 20 bloody years, and she only gets 4?! I know it’s not murder, but come on!