Backdrop poster for Marvel's Daredevil (2015)
Marvel's Daredevil (2015)
Poster for Marvel's Daredevil
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YESS thank you!!! i actually hate the Elektra stuff in season 2 for the most part because it feels like such a regression of Matt but i thought I was the only one 😭 If it wasn't for her, season 2 could have been the best season but it's my least fave 😭
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Also have you seen The Defenders? If you don't like Elektra, you definitely won't like that show so just warning you now 💀
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SHE'S THE WORST! About as much depth as one of Lana Lang's love interests. Yeah, I'll get around to watching some more of these shows some day, as I'm expecting many of them to get revived if Born Again is a success. I haven't seen Defenders and now I want to watch it less lol
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I got a few words to say about Elektra in my latest log...
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ooh okay, I'll check. And yeah, I haven't actually seen any of them other than Daredevil and Defenders, but I want to watch The Punisher eventually. Idk if i'm bothered to watch the others, though. Maybe Jessica Jones.
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@chelseatv only just saw this now and i remember enjoying the first season of the punisher!!! and jessica jones is excellent!! the first season is just as good as daredevil to me, the second season is rough, and the third season is alright. i would definitely say both shows are worth watching!
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ooh okay, good to know! I'll probably get around to both eventually. Especially because depending on how successful Born Again is, Disney will probably do more with both of those characters 😭
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