Backdrop poster for The Hunting Party (2025)
The Hunting Party (2025)
Poster for The Hunting Party
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Random question, is it normal in the U.S. for people to stop random strangers on the road for lifts? I’ve seen it in so many films and shows, and it never stops bothering me. Like, what do you mean you’re just hopping into someone’s vehicle without a second thought about your safety? Then again, how the hell are you letting a complete stranger join you in the middle of nowhere?! I knew Odell was playing the long game by bringing Eli in last week—he wanted to cloud her judgment of him, and, stupidly enough, it’s working. In my head, I kept going back and forth, wondering how he could look like a regular guy and still have killed seventeen people. Then boom—it all made sense. "Humanity is a Cancer that Deserves to be Eradicated!" — Well, what can I say...

PeacockThe Hunting Party


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As a US resident this is not typically normal. It used to be back in the day, like my Dad and his friends could rely on hitchhiking (this is what you call getting rides from strangers) time to time but it’s gotten dangerous and less socially normal. Hope that helps lol!
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@theJaceyJourney Yeah, now it makes sense. It’s mostly something from back in the day that still appears in recent shows and stuff, but it’s not as common now as it was then—which makes sense since we’re in a very different time... Thanks
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