A decent episode but a little disappointing in my opinion in comparison to last episode. I really feel they could have done so much more with the episode. Don’t get me wrong the episode opening scene was cool but even then I didn’t like the way nobody knew about what happend to Peter I would like to have seen more emotion in this episode to make the events of the last episode more meaningful. Still despite its weakness I still enjoyed the overall narrative and it didn’t make the previous episodes look bad so i guess I appreciate that it still enhanced the overall plot.
I enjoyed how they resorted back to Peters social life and the change of pace was again nice but it didn’t really need to be done I would have preferred another more involved episode personally. Still the focus on Peters social life was cool and I did enjoy that there was some tension between the characters that was a definite standout of this episode.
That’s all I can really comment on here but it was definitely one of the weaker episodes of this series and it just felt like not much was happening. Still it setup the next episode nicely and what is to come so for that aspect it was still a needed episode. I also really loved the Iron man cameo but how they didn’t use him to much as to mess with the overall idea of it being a Spider-Man series. Good episode but not approach I wanted or would have taken tbh.
Maybe I’m being too harsh due to the quality of the prior episode but I’m only rating objectively. Cool on the whole though.