I said a similar thing on how Hello, Elliot transformed my whole opinion on S4 but that applies to the whole show.
Nearing the end I didn’t feel I had the same love I’ve had for other shows, I wasn’t deeply connected to the characters or my overall enjoyment watching didn’t feel as high but I definitely praised its creative aspects, the plot twists and the atmosphere of the show was great. And having said how my enjoyment wasn’t as high I still would’ve been edging a 4.5 even if the finale wasn’t what it was, but that finale cemented its 4.5.
S4 was obscenely good, every episode something big happened and every episode was engaging, same goes for S3. S2 felt a lot less grand in its scale and was slower which did sacrifice engagement, however knowing what I know now I know S2 would be so much better on rewatch - so many little nuanced details woven throughout and that applies to every season ofc. S1 was great, so much intrigue and two vital plot twists that still blow my mind now when I think back to how I reacted.
Elliot is an obscenely good protagonist, ofc can’t not mention Rami Maleks performance he captures such unique mannerisms and the whole embodiment of fear, anxiety, depression etc. So good to watch his dynamic with Mr Robot, seeing them takeover from one another, talk to eachother, develop each season. And ofc Hello, Elliot makes me see Elliot or “the mastermind” in such a different light it’s such a cool concept. Tyrell was my no 2 just wanted to mention that.
There’s so much more I could say but overall I really appreciate it for what it is, it’s not in my t5 but definitely t10, I’m very glad it’s under my repertoire and I get why it’s so loved.