Widely considered to be one of worst Star Trek series (according to my parents that’s Deep Space Nine ) this series as its starts out is fine? Yes look, a Trekkie is finally checking out the earliest edition of Star Trek there is. It took me a little while considering the first season is 26 episodes… remember when that was normal? I miss those days.
I like the fact that this is the early days of StarFleet. It’s not the traditional Star Trek we know with all the gadgets and villains The selection of characters are good but I find it hard to care about them when the stories they are in are usually simply slow.
I’m not sure if it’s the way Star Trek is or the fact that it’s 2001/02 but binging this show makes me annoy ed of the whole event of the week. What do you mean you found it, solved it and saved the day in 45 minutes? Chill out!
The series peaked with the opening story: Broken Bow and the rest is mid. It’s not that it’s bad… but it’s one of the weaker series of Star Trek as a whole. I get why my parents avoided making me watch this series of Trek. Some episodes are entertaining and some are boring.
It’s also very distinctly 2000s TV rather than feeling like Star Trek. I do plan to continue watching this as I’ve heard that while it’s slow to get going it does get better. I’m also aware that the show was cancelled to early.
Paramount+ | Star Trek | Ep 1 - 5 (03/01/25) Ep 6 - 10 (04/02/35) Ep 11 - 14 (05/02/25) Ep 15 - 19 (06/02/25) Ep 20/21/22 (07/02/25) Ep 23 - 26 (08/02/25)