Backdrop poster for Atlanta (2016)
Atlanta (2016)
Poster for Atlanta
Atlanta (2016)
The final season of Atlanta arrives just when it needs to so that the series doesn't start to feel repetitive and redundant. These last ten episodes look like a very complete and exhaustive summary of what the entire series was about. Humor, comedy, satire, sharp and intelligent social criticism, but also some psychedelia, strange moments and metaphors. I didn't always connect with the comedy of the plot, but the times I did it was great and luckily it was most of the time. The characters have their own paths, despite being a united group. They all have a very interesting development, and the one who had the least, ends up being the most important in the end. By the way, what an ending! So that it ends up being engraved in the collective memory. People will remember Nolan's totem, Tarantino's briefcase and the end of Atlanta with the same feeling. And it's true what they say about a movie or a series. People will stay with the final feelings as if they were part of the whole, even though we all know that they are not. Atlanta plays with that and gives us an exquisite ending. Recommended? Absolutely. To binge-watch, to watch it little by little, to enjoy it and take what it gives you to think about in a well of reflections and reactions. 7.40/10
