Backdrop poster for Marvel's Daredevil (2015)
Marvel's Daredevil (2015)
Poster for Marvel's Daredevil
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Rosario Dawson?? Had no idea she was in this. A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.


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daredevil is incredible!!! hope you enjoy it
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Thanks! :)
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are you gonna go through everything everything before Born Again or just DD?
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I'll try to get through everything, but it's a lot so we'll see. Might have to skip some seasons and watch them later 😅
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honestly the only ones (imo) worth watching are daredevil and jessica jones s1. the defenders is fun too and takes place in between daredevil s2 & s3 but other than that, you can probably skip the rest 😭
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I second daredevil (obviously), but I’m going through punisher right now and it’s pretty high up there. I’ll need to check out Jessica Jones after and see how that stacks up
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completely forgot about the punisher, absolutely agree!!! both seasons are amazing and they’re definitely gonna be relevant since frank castle is in the daredevil born again show. it also has some of my favourite fight sequences and ben barnes and jon bernthal are great
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gonna prioritise DD, Punisher, Defenders and JJ S1, but hopefully I'll be able to watch everything before the new DD show 😅
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seven seasons in under two months? child’s play, right? 😅
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7 are easy, 13 could be a problem 😂
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tbh there are only 13 episodes per season, i believe in you!! i binged all of daredevil a few days so you’ll be fine
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haha thx
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Rosario Dawson is in all these defenders shows!
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That's awesome! She's cool :)
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