meant to only watch the pilot but ended up binging the whole thing; holds up more than i expected.
i LOVE timey-wimey silliness, so the lack of overly serious, hyper realistic science didn’t bother me in the least. she’s talking to her father in the past through a homemade(?) ham radio, like isn’t exactly einstein’s finest lmao.
plot is nothing new but the acting is lively and convincing and there are enough specifics to keep things interesting.
peyton list does a wonderful job as the lead, perfectly balancing the measured gravity and hopeful incredulousness an adult child in that situation would realistically have. her mild annoyance at everything is incredibly hot like she’s fine as hell.
plot wise this show definitely not without the issues (latent misogyny, flat side characters, bumbling idiot of a loser boyfriend she should’ve dumped for a woman 😉, contrived conveniences, etc.,) but the show widely sidesteps its biggest challenge—plot endurance—by moving and ending quickly lol.
it’s a dark premise but enjoyable all the same.