- his reason of disappearing was dumb
- ‘he went to a country of war to save people and lives in a hut in the middle of the forest but the rebels never found him and they had sex there and the window has a beach view’ okay man
but what pissed me off the most was the zionist propaganda. “‘palatina’ sent airstrikes to ‘izmael’ and took korean hostages” such a mid show with wattpad storyline that WE were eating up cause why not, but taking yourselves seriously and thinking you can write about an ongoing genocide that we see everyday the awful videos that these REAL people go through and using it a plot of your stupid horrible fucking drama is where i draw the line, idc how ‘well liked’ this drama is. fuck the writers for putting in that scene and using people’s pain as a plot.
and the scenes between the two main actors were cringe like literally the only good thing about this drama was episode 10 and the second couple WHICH didn’t get any scenes. everything else was disgusting and i wish i could get my 12+ hours that i spent in watching this back