Backdrop poster for Breaking Bad (2008)
Breaking Bad (2008)
Poster for Breaking Bad
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Old Rating: 4.5/5 Gosh this Episode is so incredible. People Always mention the final Scene but man This Episode offers so much more. I Love how it shifts Tones so subtlety and how it allows room to breathe, even tho the Episode is building up to one of the biggest climaxes of the whole Show yet. I Love Hank in this one and Not Just because of that badass final Scene but also because of the way Hes finally able to Open Up about His Feelings. I really Like his entire Arc from this confident and fearless DEA Agent to a traumatized and deeply hurt Man and it definetly comes to a peak in this one. I Love the Elevator Scene with Marie and how He finally comes to Terms with His own mental state. It has been Said many Times but Dean Norris really doesnt get enough Credit for His Role, what a great Performance. I also Love Jesse in this one and His Scenes in the Hospital are Just Aaron Paul at his absolute Peak. And yeah then Theres the final Scene which everyone Here knows very Well so yeah its been Said countless Times but its amazing. The Build Up to it, how its been Shot and the Acting all add Up to one of the Most tense and stressful Scenes in the whole Show. If the twins werent as laughable as they are, I would Like it even more but whatever. Could be the best Episode so far, its either this or Phoenix but either way this one is incredible and definetly deserves its 4.7 ish on Here.


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Agreed about this being an amazing episode, but I do have one small nitpick...considering that Hank was hot on Jesse's trail in regards to him having a rolling meth lab, it was pretty stupid for Walt to show up at the hospital.
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yeah I guess Ur right but I dont really consider that a flaw, I did notice that myself but I think its Just due to Walt being in the Heat of the Moment which clouded His judgement. Its a human mistake that could Happen to anyone and I dont really consider these Things flaws within the Writing. I think Theres a difference between a Character Acting straight Up Out of Character by doing dumb Things and Characters making mistakes which is totally human and I think in this Case Walt definetly
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falls into the 2nd category for me
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Yep, it's not a big deal, but considering that we've already spent a huge chunk of this show watching Walt go to extreme lengths to avoid detection/suspicion, I do think it's possible that this was a writing oversight rather than a "human moment" from Walt. The fact that Jesse yells "You said my meth is inferior, right? You said my cook was garbage!" and yet Walt doesn't react at all to Jesse's volume level also seemed odd.
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I dont really think Walt is that much of a criminal Mastermind at this Point If you ask me. Like yes Hes really smart but I dont think him Not being detected isnt only because of His intelligence but I genuiely believe that Hes also Just lucky. Like Look at Skyler for instance, His own Wife found Out His Secret in the span of months. I think explaining this Mistake of visiting the Hospital can definetly be justified by Walt Just Not being that much of a Genius in the first place.
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At least looking at the criminal Side of Things, that is completely new territory for Walt and due to that I think He is occassionaly making Mistakes such as this one. However you See it, it doesnt Matter too much tho😅
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