Backdrop poster for Twin Peaks (1990)
Twin Peaks (1990)
Poster for Twin Peaks
While not the tightly written masterwork that season 1 is, it could be argued that Twin Peaks’ second run is when the show really comes into its own. Even in its lesser episodes, this is where things get really strange, and having already established the main mystery and characters, the surreal and supernatural elements are allowed to take center stage. It is because of this wider scope that so many of the originally series’ best moments and episodes appear here. Outings such as “Lonely Souls” or “Arbitrary Law” are exactly the kind of singular entertainment one would expect from a show with the reputation of Twin Peaks and I am beyond thrilled to have been able to witness them. Admittedly, it’s very difficult to ignore the show’s infamous middle stretch, which, while not all bad, most certainly has its rough patches (as my rating shows), but the highs are simply unbelievable, plentiful in nature and brilliant enough to still bring this around as a great season of television. See you in 25 years…
