Backdrop poster for Barry (2018)
Barry (2018)
Poster for Barry
Barry (2018)
This was another amazing season from Barry. I think this is neck and neck with season 2 quality wise and I may lean season 2, but this was still an amazing season of tv. Starting Now is easily the shows best episode and overall a consistent season. Some of the cons tho of the season are that the side plots aren’t as good as they use to be from season 1 or 2. Sally side plot is decent, but Gene’s in the 2nd half of the season is just meh. NoHo Hank is still good here, but his subplot is very repetitive. The only side plots aren’t that interested me all that much was Fuches as he tries to feed info to past victims families of Barry’s crimes. Barry overall is carrying this season. Everything that is going on with him is what interests me the most and the best episodes always involved with him on the run or with his internal conflict. From 3x1 to 3x8 his character depth is always so well done and Bill Hader knows how to act which makes Barry an even better protagonist. Other little things is the cinematography especially in the wide shots are just so good this season. Also the lighting is great as always. I’d like to give a shoutout to the overall acting is amazing from Sarah Goldberg to Henry Winkler do an amazing job. One last thing is how amazing the directing was this season. From 3x1-3x8 this shows direction is one of kind which makes this show feel so fresh especially 3x1, 3x6, 3x7, and 3x8. Top 3 episodes: 1. 3x8 2. 3x6 3. 3x1 Top 5 characters: 1. Barry 2. Fuches 3. Sally 4. Gene 5. NoHo Hank 8.7/10
