Backdrop poster for Breaking Bad (2008)
Breaking Bad (2008)
Poster for Breaking Bad
Damn I forgot how good this Show is, even in its early Seasons. Loved this Season a Lot on rewatch, I Always liked it but this watch was definetly my best Experience with it yet. I dont wanna explain why I Like it a Lot cause I doubt Theres a single Person Here who hasnt Seen it yet. The only real complaint I have with the Season is the entire Plane Thing which I explained in my Review of the finale. Maybe very few minor pacing issues Here n there but this is pretty much a perfect follow up for the Show. Top 5 Characters: 5. Skyler 4. Jane 3. Hank 2. Jesse 1. Walter Top 3 Episodes: 3. Grilled/ Peakaboo - 2X2/ 2X6 2. 4 Days Out - 2X9 1. Phoenix - 2X12
