Poster for Missing You
2025 TV Shows Ranked And so the 2025 TV Show releases grinding starts NOW! And honestly we are starting the year off pretty alright with this first show. This felt like "Fool Me Once" which we got in January 2024 and the book that this series is adapted of, is the same writer who wrote the Fool Me Once book! SO THAT WOULD EXPLAIN IT! But I felt like I enjoyed Fool Me Once way better because I enjoyed the premise, story, plot and characters more compared to this! It's a nice way to start off the year with a "Harlan Coben" Adaptation! I have never read this book but I really love Coben's stuff. I didn't enjoy this as much as "Fool Me once" which released start of last year but still this was alright. I hope to the book readers theses adaptation Netflix does justice. "Missing You" Isn't bad per say but it does start off pretty slow. With the first 2 episodes slowing building up the premise of the show and plot, when it gets to the middle of episode 3 then the mysterious questions starts to not only get answered but the pacing starts to pick up quite a bit. Each episode does keep you engaged with it's mysterious plot, enjoyable story and questions THAT NEEDS TO BE ANSWERED with each episode that goes by. The characters aren't really that engaging to be honest, since the main character I didn't feel much for alongside the side characters, but that does not mean I didn't have answers because I SURE DID! Loved how this show was mysterious and honestly love how "Harlan Coben" writes his books with this adaptation since I have never read the book that this is based on but hope Netflix did the adaptation justice! As for the story from Episode 1 - Episode 3 (halfway) it started some what slow with building up the plot and premise that the show had. With the main female lead matching with her Ex "Which she thought" but ended up fighting out it was all basically AI done by other people on the other end of the computer screen by some hacker dude in episode 3. From there the tension started to build and honestly thought the final was alright for the build up the story and overall show had. As for characters, well... I just didn't care for a single one to be honest. Like the cast did bring decent performances but like I just didn't really feel bonded to any of the characters nor really entertained? Still the pacing of the show and plot kept me pretty engaged throughout the episodes and the mysterious vibe it gave off. The main lead actress brought the best performance in the show to be honest! The side leads did do a good job as well but I felt like it didn't really line up to the main lead actress. Overall "Missing You" is just another enjoyable, engaging and mysterious watch adapted from "Harlan Coben" book from the same name. The story and plot starts off pretty slow with it slowly building up the premise of the show and after episode 3 it starts to get good with the tension and overall questions finally being answered!
