Within the comedy genre, The Rehearsal is the craziest thing I've seen in a long time. And I mean that in the best sense of the word. Nathan Fielder is either very crazy or a genius. Or maybe both. The point is that this crazy series is valuable in many ways of which very little can be said without leaving spoilers along the way. So if you haven't seen it and want to, stick with the following sentence and stop reading this review: The Rehearsal is the best comedy series of 2022.
For those who decide to continue reading, I must say that I was amazed by this onion with thousands of layers, with this ouroboros that creates situations to solve them himself, eating his tail over and over again, and all with tremendous, effective and very absurd humor. realistic, so much so that sometimes reality and fiction mix very well, confusing the most distracted audience. The Fielder Method is amazing. It's the Inception of comedies, going deeper and deeper into the endless layers of rehearsals.
Now, all this does not stop there. The series also creates very debatable situations where it's necessary to pause to discuss its content. That mere fact raises the final score of The Rehearsal by several tenths.
Anyway, enjoy it and watch it with your eyes wide open, because you never know when it's a rehearsal or a scripted scene or life itself.