Backdrop poster for Mr. Robot (2015)
Mr. Robot (2015)
Poster for Mr. Robot
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Yes this is my genuine opinion I don’t care. On my first watch I came into this episode with an open mind while still expecting it to be weaker than the rest of the season and loved it, and seeing it again it impacted me even more. I get why a lot of people like this less than the rest of the season but I’ll never agree. Also the last episode I’m seeing until after Christmas I think. [SPOILERS] One of the core reasons why people dislike this episode is because of the lack of focus it has in regards to Elliot, and I hate that I have to explain why that’s an incredibly short-sighted critique. I said this in my 2x8 review as well, but if you see this episode lacking Elliot as making this episode inherently flawed, you have wider issues with the way you perceive art, and you need to stop seeing it for what you want and try to understand what the artist is trying to achieve. It’s fine if you didn’t like the episode or the way they actually executed it, but just saying “no Elliot so this is bad” without explaining why that makes it bad is such a weak criticism. Furthermore, I don’t see why an episode mainly focusing on Dom and Darlene near the end of the show is such a bad thing. These are both characters who have had extensive arcs throughout the series across multiple seasons, them having a single episode spending the time to give them conclusions that were both necessary isn’t a bad thing at all to me. Yes, it’s a relatively calm episode in the midst of some of the most insane arcs in all of TV, but once again, that doesn’t make it bad, and if that makes this a bad episode for you I would assume that you simply value this show for being a tense Thriller series rather than for the thematic layers beneath that which characters like Dom and Darlene exemplify. This isn’t the only thing that makes this episode a necessary (and enjoyable/well executed) one in the context of this season for me either. Gone is not just an episode that exists to conclude Dom and Darlene’s characters as well as their respective dynamic, but it also exists to directly show us the impact of the events of last episode with the wealth redistribution. Throughout the entire show, particularly in season 2 after five/nine, there is an incredible amount of effort put into showing the impact that the events of the story have on society as a whole in order to make those events feel more real or severe. For example, the scenes of Dom talking to the diary owner in season 2 that serve no other purpose but to let us see how the world is collapsing financially in the wake of five/nine. If we weren’t to see the effect that the wealth distribution of the most powerful people on the entire planet has on the world as a whole, that would make the worldbuilding of the series feel deeply lackluster to me, especially considering how well done it is throughout the rest of the show. Dom and Darlene’s trip serves as a very efficient way to tie off two important loose ends that the series needed to focus on at once. My final defence for this episode is in regards to the most hated part of it, the final scene. It genuinely blows my mind that so many people consider this scene to be underwhelming or corny, I’ve genuinely never seen so many people misunderstand the point of a scene, and it’s not like the subtext of this scene is really difficult to notice like an episode like 405 Method Not Allowed either. The entire episode sets up for this scene to make it more satisfying, and it obviously isn’t intended to be a serious scene either which the usage of a Carly Rae Jepsen song makes very clear. Yes it’s melodramatic and completely odd for a show like Mr. Robot, but the show is self aware of that and is doing this deliberately. First of all, the argument that this scene is underwhelming because we spend an entire episode seeing Dom and Darlene together only for them to end up separate in the end. I feel like this ending stays incredibly true to the show as a whole, Dom and Darlene running away with each other to live happily ever after would not be realistic at all, especially when you consider what Dom and Darlene’s dynamic has been attempting to convey for the entire show. They are not meant for each other, their relationship is built upon violence and trauma, they first meet when Darlene’s boyfriend is murdered, their interactions in the following months struggle to have any authenticity due to their ulterior motives, and Darlene is ultimately responsible for Dom’s emotional stress during season 4. Despite that, the conclusions they reach are still driven by their personal care for one another as Darlene goes off the plane and Dom goes on in an attempt to meet up with one another. The series refuses to end the episode in a way that isn’t entirely unchallenging, but is still satisfying for how it stays true to their dynamic throughout the entire show, which was one plagued by horrible experiences that made their relationship impossible despite the fact that they cared for one another. Rather than having an ending seeing the both of them leave together, their conclusions are focused on seeing each of them personally overcome their own challenges instead of co-dependence on a relationship when neither of them are capable of thriving on their own. Dom, after suffering from insomnia for the entire show, finally sleeps, and Darlene finally overcomes a panic attack after being plagued by them ever since the start of season 2 due to her devotion to Elliot’s mission with fsociety. If you paid any attention to the characterisation of these two, you know that Dom’s insomnia and Darlene’s mental health were an integral element to both of them, and seeing them finally overcome these things is so deeply rewarding. These conclusions are both ultimately optimistic, telling the audience that after being freed from the conflicts that plagued them both so severely, they may finally improve and find their way on the right path. Dom is no longer working for the FBI or the Dark Army, no longer being controlled or enslaved in the working system that consumed her, and Darlene finally chooses herself rather than supporting Elliot even if she hurts herself along the way. With that, they finally find their own individuality and learn how to overcome their issues. This review isn’t trying to tell anyone they’re wrong for disliking this episode, if you don’t that’s fine. However, it is an attempt to prove that this episode was incredibly necessary for the season overall, and also that the ending isn’t “cringe”, but rather deeply thematically resonant for both Dom and Darlene, because both of those things are commonly said about the episode. One of the most profound and beautiful episodes of the show to me.

made me cry100+ comments


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Any ep with lots of Leon scenes is PEAK imh
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Exactlyyyy Leon might have the best screen presence of any character ever
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Him forgetting the barn in S3 is so funny to me
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Fr hilarious scene this episode has so many good moments
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probably maybe might read
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ending is peak tv unironically
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huge W top 1 peak + ep + dynamic in dexter
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tag me in the last 3 eps
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@iliketelevision exactly it's so good 😭
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@IR05 so true and also sure
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Joey Bada$$ killed it as Leon damn
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@ZerefElGamba peak character and performance fr, every single antagonist or criminal in this show has some unique layer to them that makes them more than just some average morally bad character and Leon's one of my favourite examples.
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girly doesn’t care about people hating on her opinions how confident of you mabel
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my main issue with this episode is the stupid ass shoehorned irving cameo
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the rest of the stuff you explained (this isn’t meant to be directed towards you, but the people you’re speaking to in the review) is kinda obvious tbh but I still see myself only having this episode at a 4.5
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@awesomefeller it's fun to me and works well as a way for Darlene and Dom to realise that they're not being followed but yeah. And also it is obvious but the intent of the review was to point out some of the common critiques this episode gets and why they're so short-sighted while also talking about some of the things I appreciate in regards to it (how it shows the societal impact of last ep, the final scene and the conclusions in this episode, etc). A 4.5 is very fair.
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@isafilms yes I am indeed confident I think thank you
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confident 😞😞💅💅😞🙁😞😉😘😉😘😡
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@SpidrDuckXCX yeah i totally get it. a lot of the critiques stem from the same people who say that season 1 and 2 are boring and that 405 is unnecessary. people love to hate on this show for some weird reason but this review is (as usual) really good at pointing out the things that people think are flaws and switching the perspective on them
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mabel how girlboss of you
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the irving cameo though, even it operates as another piece of the puzzle is just so unbearable and i feel like if they just concluded his story in such a dark way and left him shrouded in ominous-ness he would’ve been so much cooler. him showing up here just feels like weird “fanservice” for a character that people weren’t even waiting on to return
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@awesomefeller that's fair it just doesn't bother me personally, and I don't feel as though it necessary dampens the impact of his exit in 3x10 for me.
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@PeterLih you haven't seen but thank you you just know it's true fr
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I just know this is a W Mabel also I hope everyone has a great Christmas 🤭
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You're very wise for that and I hope you have a great Christmas too Peter
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Thank you! 🫶🏻
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i hope you have a very jolly and merry Christmas peter
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In a show that's built on subverting tropes and expectations, the final airport sequence is Sam Esmail very deliberately subverting the romantic comedy. I mean this is just another one of the show's format breaking episodes; like the sitcom, one take, silent heist, or the five act stage play. He new exactly what he was doing with that carly rae jepsen needle drop. This episode is going to have its own cult following, within the fan base, as the show ages.
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Also when the show was airing, one of the biggest theories for Darlene was that she was going to die in a plane crash. This episode is also Esmail acknowledging that fan theory in a tongue and cheek way since a lot of people thought that she was going to get on the plane and die due to the dark army crashing it.
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@fareedstory exactly and that subversion is handled so well, I was completely unaware of that theory though and that's a really interesting fact thank you for sharing it.
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I would rate this ep a lot lower. But based. This is a very good analysis.
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@Northeal yeah I am far more positive with my Mr. Robot ratings purely because I love it so deeply and even if they're not my typical 5 star standard, rating certain episodes any less wouldn't feel like an accurate portrayal of how much I love them. Also thank you <3
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Of course! You’ve written some of the best analysis I’ve seen on this app. And yeah I get it (Sopranos reference). I would rate most Mr. Robot episodes lower than these (despite most of them still being great-amazing) but I fully understand rating something higher due to what it means to someone personally and think it’s valid for ratings.
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@Northeal yeah exactly, I just connect with it so much and appreciate its style to the point where I rate it differently to other shows. Feel the same way about BCS and The Owl House. Mr. Robot rewatch one day please 🙏
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I will rewatch it sometime I’m sure! I’ve just mostly been watching new stuff cause there are so many shows worth seeing that I want to check out and also the looming of anxiety that there is so much art out there in the universe that I’ll never be able to experience because I have a limited mortal life and my time in the world won’t allow me to experience it all
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Once I’m done with the 4ish shows I’m watching rn I think I’ll (for one take a break and do other things for a bit) and then rewatch The Wire and Community S1-3. The Robot will be on my rewatch list cause I assume it’s something where a rewatch would really alter your experience with the show.
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I so much loved reading this review. I rated this episode 4.5 when I watched it and I stand by it. Incredibly underrated episode, which while yes, isn't as good as 4x7, 4x12 or the goated hello Elliott episode, it's still incredibly good in it's own right. So nice to see someone for once being of the same opinion. Honestly, people being of the opinion that no elliott equals an avg ep. is so dumb, it's saying as if any other character or dynamic in the show isn't incredible in their own right.
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@Northeal that's fair enough, take your time. It is 100% a show that was made for rewatching and I can promise you it will be such a different experience just like it has been for me 🙏
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@Aquila absolutely agree with everything you said, def not on par with Hello, Elliot or 407 because that's my 1st and 4th favourite episode of all time but incredible nonetheless.
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@SpidrDuckXCX damn that's some high praise for those 2 episodes. I honestly think all of S4 is among the best seasons of TV ever. I was watching Mad Men S4, which is absolutely goated, which made me realise how good S4 of some other shows have been, and out of all those, Mr.Robot's S4 is my fav. I mean, it had to be, it's in my top 5 fav. shows oat.
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Yeah nothing beats S4 for me.
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peakson 4
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mabel did you have a good christmas you little new zealander you’re like 20 hours ahead
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It's not done yet but it's been great
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I think the hate comes more from the airport scene rather than the lack of Elliot( that’s what makes it the worst of the show for me at least) but people do overlook all the other great scenes in the episode.
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@iamdalecooper I think it plays a role and I have heard people use it as a complaint before, which doesn't surprise me considering that another one of the most hated episodes of the show doesn't have him.
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W review very underrated episode
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Ty goat I love this episode!!
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I think it was very important to have a breather episode too because the entire season this far (especially 4x5-4x9) has been balls to the wall action and extremely emotionally heavy and then 4x11-4x13 is the three part series finale which is also very heavy and insane. They needed to give time to breathe. (And that's not even mentioning concluding the arcs of 2 of the main characters in the show)
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Np goat 😎
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Yeah exactly and also it's not as if the episode solely exists to be a breather either
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So true like even if it simply was just a breather it'd still be very necessary and welcome but they went above and beyond by making it a great conclusion to domlene while they were at it
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Most overhated episode in TV history along with SOTF
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“No Elliot so this is bad” = 🤓
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SOTY = Sins of The Father? Also W I agree
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SOTF I mean
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Yep, Sins Of The Father. 3.15 rating ☠️☠️ idek why
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It's honestly kinda ridiculous that they're bringing it back a third time 😭
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Oh wait the Snowfall finale originally had the same name so I thought you meant that lmao but fair, I haven't seen it but I will say that them continuing the series kinda undermines that ep (I know what happens in it)
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Never seen an episode with ratings as divisive as SOTF on here
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I don't love it but I think they should've just called it quits they do NOT need to keep bringing it back over and over and over again 😭
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Sins of the Father rating is so funny on here every single rating score has so many votes and it’s funny cause while I’m on the hater side I can totally see why people would think it’s basically any level of quality.
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@Northeal yeah exactly everyone seems to have a different opinion on it 😭
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@Northeal there arent any sins of the father lovers anymore cause a new season is dropping
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@IR05 Lmao. If you’ve seen it is the new season good at all?
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no i was talking about dexter reseruction thatll drop in summer
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original sin is like a prequal of dexter when he was younger shits ass like the whole show
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Oh yeah, I’m mixed cause I didn’t like New Bloods ending but at the same time they should really just put the show to rest. One of the only things I liked about the ending was that they did give Dexter a concrete conclusion this time.
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Why does Dexter of all things need to get dragged out it's annoying
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Real it was actually intended to only be 5 seasons (which would've been infinitely better) but the show runners wanted more after the high ratings of S4 so the creator left and it all went to shit
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@callumlovestv money ruined Dexter 😔 That explains a lot though
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True probably
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New Blood was good because at least they changed the mid ending of 8x12 to SOTF (overhated asf) but Original Sin is unnecessary as hell and idek what else they’re releasing. Just stop already, Michael C Hall can’t handle no more 😭🙏
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I would rather a David Fisher spinoff tbh
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@Tetel27 I didn't love sotf but I can admit it's miles better than remember the monsters they really should just let it rest (I'm enjoying original sin but just leave it alone 😭)
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@SpidrDuckXCX money ruins lots of things 💔
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@PeterLih Dexter s5-8 is literally this
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S5 and S7 are very decent but S6 and S8 are so trash
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@SpidrDuckXCX David and Keith sex scenes for 5 seasons > Dexter: Resurrection
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@Tetel27 True I just wasn't a big Jordan Chase or Hannah fan those are what bring those two down for me (but yeah 6 and 8 are actually abysmal some of the worst TV I've ever seen)
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on MY soul AND tetels Dexter: Resurrection is GOING to be peak
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@callumlovestv I agree Jordan is one of the worst antagonists of the show but I liked the Dexter/Lumen thing. And Hannah isn’t too bad in S7 but in S8 she becomes arguably the worst character in tv history
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@PeterLih I’m up to a happy surprise but I don’t have as much faith as you have
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@Tetel27 I was kinda neutral on her until she SPOILERS poisoned Deb I was done at that point 😭
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Also yeah Dexter and Lumen were good (if not a little early after the S4 finale)
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Yeah fr, Hannah ruins the show, ruins Dexter, ruins Debra and ruins herself. My favorite 0.001/10 character in tv
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@tetel27 You need to trust me in this one 🙏🏻
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I trust your word
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my word is wise...
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this is so well articulated but this all also feels like common sense, fuck everyone who doesn't get this episode, the internet's lack of media literacy scares me
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@ayyarmaan yeah this review was sorta dumbing it down to get my point across but it's hilarious to me how all of the biggest critiques that this show gets are just a result of misunderstanding what this show is going for most of the time lmao
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