The main leads have no chemistry, and their interactions feel forced and uncomfortable to watch. It is hard to get invested in their relationship because it just does not seem natural. The plot is all over the place, with too many red-flag characters and an overload of pairings. Most of the characters have a crush on either Gyo or Manaow, which makes it difficult to care about any of them. What’s worse, there is no real build-up between the main characters; within just a few episodes, they’re already kissing, which feels rushed.
Manaow, in particular, is the biggest red flag of all the GL series I have seen. Her actions make it impossible to root for her. I also dislike the overused amnesia storyline after a crash; it’s just too cliché at this point. The only reason I watched this series was because of Thida. She’s the only character I actually like, and the actress who plays her is genuinely talented. Unfortunately, she does not get enough screen time. Overall, this is the worst GL series I have ever watched.