It’s an unpopular opinion to not love this season and I wish that I did but after trying to decipher why I think it’s just that this isn’t the type of TV I enjoy.
It is most likely the most complex season of television oat and after listening to the 4 hour Twin Peaks explained video on YouTube and come to appreciate Lynchs intentions, I personally just don’t enjoy watching TV that makes such devotion necessary to understand it. Because at first glance, much like the first 2 seasons, scenes often merit the question why and what just happened - but the difference is that it is so much more abundant here and is much less digestible.
The main thing that has changed is the atmosphere that I’ve come to love so much particularly about S1, it takes such effort to craft something like that and to see 80% of S3 take place in places other than Twin Peaks is just so jarring to me. And the amount of plot lines that felt meaningless and led to nowhere, new characters that felt so unbelievably shallow it can be mind numbing even if Lynch had a meta message he was cleverly embodying through them - I just didn’t care for what I was watching.
And the episodes that are credited as some of the greatest oat, T10 episodes ever like 8 and 17 had so much artistic direction and Lynch must’ve had so much fun making and I thought were cool but again I didn’t grasp the greatness that others did but I wish that I did.
But seeing the original cast 25 years later, seeing Bobby having turned his life around and also his reaction to Laura’s photo (might be my favourite moment of the season) or what happened to Audrey after the finale of S2 (even if heavily theorised) was really fun.
Overall I’m upset I couldn’t like this as much as everyone else does and maybe I missed the point but It’s not the kind of storytelling I enjoy or at least I wasn’t made to enjoy it like I was the first 2 seasons.