I don’t use terms like "masterpiece" or "peak fiction" lightly. Only a select few films and shows earn the title of "masterpiece" in my eyes, and even fewer qualify as "peak fiction." In fact, there are only three stories I consider to be peak fiction—Attack on Titan, Arcane, and Evangelion. Another story that comes close is Avatar: The Last Airbender. But what elevates a story to this level? For me, it needs an original narrative paired with expansive world-building and characters I connect with on a deep, emotional level. It also requires a long-form format, as TV shows allow for greater investment compared to movies. On top of that, it must excel technically, from animation and acting to music and visuals. Arcane, the most recent addition to my list, exemplifies these qualities and firmly secures its place among the best of the best.
Arcane Season 1 is a masterclass in storytelling, offering exceptional pacing that keeps the audience engaged without feeling rushed or bloated. Its characters are richly developed, elevating them far beyond their game counterparts by diving deep into their psyches, motivations, and emotional complexities. The show doesn’t shy away from exploring themes of trauma and tragedy, using these experiences to shape its characters into multi-dimensional individuals. Greed and curiosity also take center stage, driving much of the narrative tension and highlighting the moral gray areas of its world.
What truly sets Arcane apart is how it lays the foundation for an ambitious 3–4 season story arc. Every subplot, conflict, and revelation feel like a puzzle piece in a larger narrative tapestry, expertly setting up future seasons. Unfortunately, budgetary constraints have curtailed its potential, but even within its double season, Arcane achieves a level of storytelling and world-building rarely seen in animated shows.
Season 2 remains a phenomenal show, but it does feel like 3–4 seasons’ worth of plot condensed into a single arc. This pacing occasionally undermines character development, particularly for Singe, who comes across as more of a plot device than a fully fleshed-out character. His motivation is conveyed through a single line of dialogue, leaving his potential largely untapped. Similarly, Vi and Caitlyn’s relationship leans heavily on the groundwork laid in Season 1, as events in this season unfold far too quickly to allow their bond to grow organically.
The new characters, such as Isha, Maddie, and Loris (or Noris), also suffer from this rushed storytelling. Unlike the richly developed ensemble of Season 1, they feel more like plot tools to drive the main characters’ arcs rather than compelling figures in their own right. While this is understandable given the shortened format, it does mark a departure from the intricate character work that defined the first season.
Despite these constraints, the creative team delivers on the emotional moments, often making up for structural shortcomings with powerful, heart-wrenching scenes. Caitlyn’s arc feels the most rushed, but Vi, Jinx, Jayce, Viktor, and Mel all have incredible arcs that are well-written, realistic, and deeply impactful. Ambessa stands out as a particularly effective villain, though Mel’s arc, while compelling, feels somewhat like an afterthought, muddled by the introduction of the Black Rose subplot. This contributes to a finale that resembles an MCU-style climax, complete with dramatic power-ups and a CGI-heavy battle. Yet, even here, Arcane executes it brilliantly, blending spectacle with emotional weight.
The ending does feel abrupt, and the “calm after the storm” could have been explored more thoroughly. Ekko, in particular, deserved a more satisfying conclusion. That said, Episode 3, “Finally Got the Name Right,” stands out as one of the best episodes of television I’ve ever seen, with the Vi vs. Jinx confrontation ranking among my favorite fictional fights. The emotions, music, and animation in that scene are nothing short of breathtaking. Ultimately, while my critical mind recognizes these flaws, my emotional engagement with the show remains undiminished. Arcane Season 2 may not be perfect, but it’s an extraordinary achievement in storytelling and animation.
Overall, Arcane redefines video game adaptations, delivering stunning visuals, compelling storytelling, and deeply human characters. Season 1 masterfully explores trauma, tragedy, and ambition, elevating its characters beyond their game counterparts and setting up an intricate multi-season narrative. While Season 2 feels rushed, condensing what could have been several seasons into one, it still delivers powerful emotional beats and standout moments like Vi and Jinx’s conflict. Despite its pacing issues, Arcane remains a remarkable series, blending themes of hope, despair, and the cost of power, solidifying its place as a masterpiece of animation and storytelling.