Backdrop poster for Arcane (2021)
Arcane (2021)
Poster for Arcane
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Arcane (2021)
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@baileyb @thecinefox @samu_7 @Wxczut @Twd_enjoyer @iliketelevision @NineStack tagging people who had a similar view to mine, interested to see if there’s anything else i’ve missed issues wise S1 so clear
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Agreed s1 has far less issues
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I forgot I had to write a review for this mid
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Not even a debate s1 clears. Vi is easily my least favorite character this season, she didn't even had an arc just an emo phase (ridiculous) and two fan service scenes with Caitlyn
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W, 3.5 for me
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3.5 for me too, probably lower o rewatch
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Heimerdinger???? 🤨
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Who is Heimerdinger again?
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@thecinefox I was debating a 3.5 but I hate the finale @samu_7 ye the fan service was cringe imo, never really saw the vision they had with Vi and Cait @iliketelevision I was waiting a while before reviewing the season because I wanted to let the finale fully settle but it really did ruin the season for me
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finale confirmed all my issues with a season, I bet this season would be shit on rewatch without the first watch excitement but I really dgaf enough to rewatch this show ever again
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@BaileyB almost like he never existed 🤔, character conclusion oat
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@iliketelevision 100%, doubt i’ll ever rewatch - binged all of S1 and 2 to catch up for the final act, only to be disappointed, should’ve just carried on Mad Men or started Black sails instead smh
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i agree completely. But why does everyone like 2x7 so much? like its good but its probably the weakest in 2x1-2x7 for me
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@NineStack Because it is its own self-contained story and has the least issues
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@NineStack pretty much what @BaileyB said, it’s a good stand alone episode and I like Ekko/Jinx/Powder’s dynamic, maybe not the most necessary of episodes apart from Ekko’s time shift stuff but I think it’s quite easily the best of the season even though the 2x1-6 stretch was also good
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It was the most emotional also
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Best episode of the show imo
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I think 3 stars is a little low but this show needed at least a 3rd season
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