i had a great time with this first season!! it’s not anything terribly groundbreaking, but it has some standout characters, episodes and visual effects that’ll keep you hooked if you’re a fan of del toro’s work, or just want a fun, pulpy horror watch.
the plot and format can be rough going at times, with the early episodes in particular suffering from jumping between too many subplots. but when the main characters’ paths converge, it leads to some engaging dynamics and a raising of the stakes that make the show’s latter half well worth reaching.
despite my faults with the writing — namely the use of some tired tropes here and there — i can honestly say i was never bored while watching, and constantly looking forward to the next episode. this is a show that wears its thematic heart on its sleeve, and you’ve just got to accept the occasional cheesiness in order to stick with it. it’s right up my street in that regard!