Backdrop poster for My Hero Academia (2016)
My Hero Academia (2016)
Poster for My Hero Academia
8.5/10 The second half of this season was definitely stronger than the first, and had a lot of emotionally impactful character moments, some of which even almost got me teary eyed, with the icing on the cake that is the epic finale. But that is all in the second half. I'm not saying the first half is bad, but it was quite weak, especially the first few episodes completely wasting Star and Stripe, and the lead-up to the big battle was quite uneventful, with a lot of slow fighting and yelling out their emotions that I'm not a fan of. I did not care about their battle whatsoever during the first half, but then the second half just hit me like a truck, completely redeeming the first half, suddenly making me invested into their emotional yellings. I feel like the animation also really improved this season, with them finally ditching the generic blue sky png they always used. Overall, this is definitely one of the better seasons of the show, and one of the better shows of the season.
