Backdrop poster for Attack on Titan (2013)
Attack on Titan (2013)
Poster for Attack on Titan
Not a perfect season, but especially when combined with the endings, one of the most satisfyingly compelling and emotionally rewarding run of episodes to ever exist. After the huge turning point that was 3B, Attack on Titan was never going to be the same show, and season 4 acknowledges that from minute one, beginning with a doozy of a premiere and continuing to challenge both its characters and the audience with the narrative it wants to serve. Even on a second viewing, nothing here feels less than colossal in just how much it pushes the boundaries of its storytelling. The violence is punishing, the characters are tragic, the scale is mesmerizing, and the reveals… oh boy, they go to insane lengths here, even for a series like Attack on Titan, managing to still shake me to my core. It’s a season that takes all that’s been set up by episodes prior and refuses to do anything else but sprint with it. And having seen much of the series again, there is so much at work in the season and throughout the show working in even greater tandem than I ever perceived. I don’t think I realized how much I’ve been craving a show like this ever since I finished it for the first time last year, but seeing it now, it’s become abundantly clear how singular and special of an experience it is, and this season shows that off in all the best ways.
