Backdrop poster for Game of Thrones (2011)
Game of Thrones (2011)
Poster for Game of Thrones
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Definitely fell off after S4, but I don't hate the later seasons as much as other people. Overall still one of my absolute favourite shows, although I feel like my previous 5 star rating was a bit too high (just like me most of the time). S1-S4 probably still the best stretch of tv I have ever seen. For me S5+S6 are still very good, even if the writing goes down and a lot of the episodes get a bit boring. Hot takes: S7 still good and S8 is still alright. Terrible compared to the first 4 seasons, but nowhere as bad as a lot of people say imo. And now... my watch has ended. GOT/HOTD seasons ranked:


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W bro last 4 seasons are overhated
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Game of Edward Drake 🔥
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Edward Drake will haunt me forever 😵😵
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@samu_7 W goat
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Easy 5 imo
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Had it at 5 stars till now, but my average season rating is a 4.6 or something like that, so 4.5 is more accurate for me 😅
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i agree! i’ve been complementing rewatching bc i want to watch HOTD for the first time
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House of The Dragon is amazing too! Better than the final 4 GOT seasons for me :)
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s8 is the worst season ever for me 😭
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I obviously don't know what other mid to bad seasons you've seen, but I have definitely seen worse 😂 It is the worst season of all my favourite shows tho if that makes sense 😅
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i’ve genuinely never seen something destroy a show so badly, basically everyone is ruined
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What about Dexter s8 I heard that was even worse
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it’s fucking awful i’m currently watching it
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bro ur banner is peak 🙏
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@Glexzy Thx 😂
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I've heard that season 6 specifically is really good
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idk if i’m just harsh on this show but i dislike s6 strongly
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W review
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S6 is still great imo (especially the final two episodes), but I think S3+4 are the best seasons of the show and two of the best seasons oat
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thx liam
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I low-key think s1-4 was the best tv ever. Better than Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul, better than The Sopranos and better than Twin Peaks.
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Can never decide between peak GOT and peak Breaking Bad. Haven't seen the others yet 🙃
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I’m loving it even more on a rewatch. I think you’re right, despite some terrible developments the last seasons aren’t that bad. For me this is still a 5-star show!
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Awesome! :)
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Yeah agreed last seasons were overrated
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overrated or overhated? 😅
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I agree the last four seasons are overrated
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