something went very wrong here, and it started when netflix canceled the show and gave them only six more episodes to wrap everything up.
i’d like to apologize to season three. had i known the absolute bullshit that season four was gonna bring i would’ve been nicer to you.
it was good in the beginning! i was having a fun time with the first three episodes and was like okay let’s see where they go with this, but the last three episodes… ooh…
let’s start by talking about character assassination because holy FUCK what did they do to five and lila? i’m genuinely confused at what happened there and what possessed the writers to make that a thing. five never needed a love interest. not only does it not make sense for him, but it’d be weird no matter who it’s with because of his physical and mental ages contradicting each other. lila on the other hand, she’s in love with diego! i get motherhood is exhausting, but would she really throw what she had with diego away? and diego not liking being around his in-laws is kinda crazy because you’d think he’d love having a mother figure around. this trio’s dynamic is now ruined for me if i ever go rewatch s2. also, i’m convinced that the writers hate allison. making ray leave her out of nowhere, subjecting her to racism for years now, and the OOC characterization grinds my gears. klaus didn’t want the marigold! why did they make allison do that to him?! ben didn’t feel right and that scene where he was on a train at the end of last season was never really answered, klaus was given fuck-all side quests and kidnapped from the family AGAIN, luther was luther… unfortunately, in the end, it was really just viktor that actually gave a fuck about anything that was going on and was the most in-character. love you viktor. thank you for being a real one.
i expected a ben-centric season but i’m more or less disappointed because of how wonky everything was, especially the jennifer incident reveal. five years of buildup for that? come on. and the ending and post credits scene? shit, that leak about an open ending wasn’t joking. i wish it was though.
the saving graces of the season were allison and klaus’s relationship with each other and claire (it was so sweet), viktor as a whole, and the huge fight scene in episode two. it really could’ve been better if they wanted to give the show a proper send-off. huge middle finger to netflix and steve blackman, you ass.