What an absolute masterpiece of a season.
I went in with great exceptions, and it even topped them by a huge margin.
This show has many plot twists, but somehow, the most powerful moments of this show are always the emotional ones and the most emotional and gut-wrenching episode of the series for me was "I COULD NOT PREVENT IT."
It was structurally so unique that I was glued to the screen the whole time and the main reason for that was the character dynamics this show had developed, and now it was time to give us a payoff from that character development.
Every episode this season was a 4.5. At least, throughout the whole show, there isn't even a single episode, which is anything less than a 4.5/5.
But my absolute favorite ones are episodes 5-8.
Throughout watching episode 5–8, I was completely glued to the screen.
Some of these episodes are inspired by already existing episodes, like the structure of episode 5 reminds me so much of Mr Robot's Proxy Authentication Required, it had a similar episode structure, not ignoring that Louis is not a reliable narrator.
Episode 6.
Everything was going well in this episode until that finale happened and everything went to pieces. That conversation between Armand and Madeleine was one of the most beautiful conversations I have ever seen on TV.
Episode 7.
This episode is my favorite episode of the season as well as my favorite of the show.
It was so uniquely structured that It's probably the most uniquely structured episode I have ever seen. The emotional depth it held was insane. Watching this episode was like a crescendo, which delivered an emotional and heartbreaking ending. Everyone's performance in this episode was absolutely stunning. Jacob Anderson is killing it from the first scene. You can analyze his performance. The little nuances he shows in some scenes are so beautiful, but the actors who really gave one of the greatest performances of all time for me were:
Firstly, Sam Reid, the way he delivered his lines, you can see him going through a lot of emotions like anger, guilt, shame, love, regret at the same time, which was excellent, and the one who was on the same level was
Ben Daniels, watching him playing the antagonist here, felt so good. His performance in season 2, episode 2, sent shivers down my spine. Very few performances have devastated and petrified me like that. Watching him present the case in this episode was so satisfying even though he was the bad guy, but I just couldn't take my eyes off him. His close-up shot with that smile is true horror.
Episode 8.
This episode was phenomenal as a finale and almost equally amazing as episode 7. Watching Louis going on a hunt was so thrilling, and that revealed. OH MY GOD!! It was perfectly set up and was amazingly executed. And when that final conversation happened, I got teared up.
Top 20 seasons
Episode 5 (top 30)
Episodes 7 and 8 (both top 15)