Backdrop poster for House of the Dragon (2022)
House of the Dragon (2022)
Poster for House of the Dragon
4.3/5 Team black we are so back (not that we went anywhere) 🖤🖤⚔️⚔️🐉🐉 Season 1 was a lot of house and not that much dragon so I was SO hype about the amount of dragons we’ve had in season 2! We got dragon riding, dragon claiming, epic fights and slaughters. This season had battles and bloodshed and charred corpses, all scattered in the wake of these great beasts and the Targaryens who dare to ride them. While Vhagar is a massive juggernaut, I love how we got a lot of time with other dragons, especially Seasmoke and mother Meleys 🙏 My favorite episode was definitely ep 4 “the red dragon and the gold” at a 5/5 this was peak game of thrones, peak fantasy drama. Mother Eve Best served so much in her portrayal as Rhaenys Targaryen, the queen who never was 👑 and is a major highlight of this show! Her actions in this episode were spectacular and lowkey Corlys did not deserve her! Queen behavior! Least favorite episode was prob ep 5 “Regent” just bc not much was going on, it was still quite good just not very engaging. It’s a lot of meetings and Daemon going slowly insane and compared to other episodes it’s a bit of filler. I think this season is weakened by only being 8 eps and the plot can get a little messy. Sometimes the show feels very slow and other times it feels like we have five plots going on at once and you can’t keep track. The writers definitely need to figure out a way to smooth things out a little bit so the narrative can flow better, but it’s still a very entertaining show even if it’s a bit inconsistent. Also…. Why is Aemond kinda fine 😳🫢 the more evil and bloodthirsty he got I was like okayyyy let’s hear him out 🫣🫣 the Draco Malfoy affect 😭😭 Anyway I just want to say: Emma D’arcy saved my soul. Watered my crops. Cleared my skin. Raised my army of dragons. Saved bisexuals and all of Westeros single-handedly! All hail the true Queen! And why didn’t they kiss at the end #rhaenicentforevet 🖤💚👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏻
