Backdrop poster for The Bear (2022)
The Bear (2022)
Poster for The Bear
The Bear (2022)
Would've watched this sooner if someone had told me that it was all the fetishistic cooking montages in Hannibal if they were being done by stressed out and depressed working class Italians. Wasn't totally sure how much I was going to buy into the Gordon Ramsay PTSD mental health aspect of the drama, but it's a solid enough base for all the funny, authentic lived-in kitchen detail and great Chicago personalities and texture. It's very good at giving the actors an nervously energetic environment to play, and as far as melodrama goes there are few places on Earth that have as many sudden bursts of intense anger and affection naturally baked into the demanding logistics of how it functions/gets managed as a restaurant, so when it comes up here most of it feels completely earned. As soon as they pulled out the Risky Business Tangerine Dream drop I was in. Let it rip. Shoutout to the Speed poster in Ayo's bedroom.
