Backdrop poster for The Acolyte (2024)
The Acolyte (2024)
Poster for The Acolyte
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This ... might definitely seem off for the entire SW fambase, but ngl this hit hard as a child who comes from a religious background. The need for self-individualism when you're whole life, your identity is tied to practises that your people followed and expect the same for you to aswell. Even though Osha eventually did join the Jedi (who could be argued for being worse), she still made the choice that she felt she neeeded and even though she never became a jedi, she still was able to become her own after she left. As for the "breaking canon" ... i mean come on dude, it's like 100 years - no one is going to care/know/remember the two lesbian witches who birthed a biracal child when hunk Hayden Christensen walks up in this bitch like "yo, I'm the chosen one".


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well said :)
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