A confused Donny speaks to The Police, and is asked to provide a timeline of Martha's behaviours. When Donny needs help and support, he has only one place to go, the very source of the trouble.
At one point Donny asks, 'where did that come from?' and that's kind of how I feel about this episode, part four changed the whole direction and feel of the show, this continued that, it's wild, but it's terrific, captivating drama.
I thought I had an idea of where this was going, and how it would end, but with only two episodes to go, I have absolutely no idea, other than to expect the unexpected.
I now don't know who to feel sorry for, who I like, who I don't, wow this is an absolute rollercoaster ride, terrific.
Martha can definitely read Donny and see him for what he is, I wonder if the next twist will be to learn something had happened to her.