Backdrop poster for X-Men '97 (2024)
X-Men '97 (2024)
Poster for X-Men '97
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9.5/10 This might probably be due to recency bias, but this is definitely my favorite Disney+ show, and has become one of my favorite animated shows of all time. The story is very innovative, taking stories directly from the comics and taking liberties with it for the better. The characters are so nuanced and well written, you could truly feel the passion Beau De Mayo had in writing this show, and how much he loves the source material. I seriously can't put into words just how much this show emotionally impacted me in ways I haven't been impacted in any Marvel tv show. Watching episode 1, it was great seeing these characters back again, Cyborg properly being portrayed as a competent leader who can handle his own in battles, and the animation was absolutely beautiful, so was the little tweaks they made to give additional awesome to the music I already loved in the original show. And then came Episode 2, really hitting all the notes an X-Men show needed to hit, letting me know that this was going to be something truly special. And every episode since has been either 4.5 or 5 stars from me, barring episode 4, which was 4 stars, because even though it wasn't as emotionally impactful as the other episodes, it still developed the relationships between Jubilee and Sunspot, and Storm and Forge. My favorite episode is of course, episode 5 "Remember It" I don't love Episode 5 just because of what happened at the end, I love it because that episode represents everything that is great about this show, how they're not afraid to adapt the soap opera storylines of the comics in less messier ways, and all the characters feel like real people, specifically in that episode; Jean, Madelyn, Scott, Logan, and most importantly, Magneto, Gambit and Rogue. I also thought it was a good decision to not bring back Charles for the first half of this season, as it offered really compelling storylines with the rest of the cast, and when Charles was back it offered a whole different type of compelling stories. And the finale is just a big ass fastball special to our guts. All it takes for an adaptation to be good, is for writers to respect the source material. I did not think it was possible for another animated show to rival my love for Invincible, but here we are. Of course, this show isn't without its few shortcomings that irked me a bit and made me gave 9.5 instead of 10. As great as Episode 3 was, and how they managed to adapt the entire Inferno saga into one episode and not make it feel rushed, the ending still felt a bit like way too much happened in way little time, especially the clone Jean naming herself Madelyn Pryor out of nowhere, it just felt like they did it deliberately to feed comic fans. And another thing is how Morph is just kinda there for most of the show, he doesn't really have much to do other than exist, I mean I'm glad we're getting Morph as a series regular, but he had an arc focused on him in the original show, and he was best there, rather than here, and he can also seemingly turn into anyone and anything, making him the most powerful being there, and keeps getting blocked by the writing, and I hope they do something with him in Season 2. But I do love the dynamic he has going on with Wolverine here. Overall, an absolute near masterpiece of a show, in my opinion, one of the very few great things Marvel has put out since Endgame. And I actually hope for the revival of the entire 90s Marvel Animated Universe, if they were to be given the same amount of passion as Beau De Mayo put in for this show.


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