Morgan Elsbeth isn't exactly someone I cared about in The Mandalorian, and cared even less about her in Ahsoka, and these 3 episodes didn't change anything. It was cool to see the massacre of the Night Sisters again from her perspective, it was cool to see Thrawn again, and it was really cool to see the hopelessness of Corvus in the third episode. That's about it.
Bariss Offee's arc had so much potential, cuz Bariss could've been the Anakin to Ahsoka's Obi-Wan. And the first 2 episodes were great. The first episode of Bariss getting recruited into the dark side, very cool, and the second episode being extremely dark, and it would've been perfect if I liked the way it ended. But instead they turn Bariss into some monk type character, and just dies off in a lame way.
We had a show about hope, called Tales Of The Jedi, now why in god's name is a show called "Tales Of The Empire" about hope. I expected to see the dark and gritty things the empire did to make the galaxy feel hopeless. Episodes 3, 4 and 5 gave me that. And the decision to focus on Morgan Elsbeth instead of ANYONE INTERESTING, like there's such a huge variety to choose from, like FRIKKIN DARTH VADER, or Thrawn, or the Grand Inquisitor, or anyone really, from the empire. To say the least, overall this show left a lot to be desired.