Backdrop poster for Cardcaptor Sakura (1998)
Cardcaptor Sakura (1998)
Poster for Cardcaptor Sakura
65 Easier to judge more concisely than part one, since it's shorter. Off to a rough start, running as slowly as the weaker side of the anime thus far, but the middle-end episodes (5 through 10, roughly) were some of the most fun shenanigans these characters have been through. Lovely character moments, solid variety of tones, and the penultimate episode was particularly surprising for me. That being said, I can't say I liked any aspect of the finale, and everything about teacher Misuki's mystery for about 70% of the season was near-unbearable. Nonetheless, it was fun! And I'm still curious to continue. As for how it compares to the first batch of episodes: more digestible for sure, but the horrible new OP and ED and the absence of "Leave It To Kero!" are such huge turn-offs for me that I'd say there's no genuine winner here.
