Backdrop poster for Six Feet Under (2001)
Six Feet Under (2001)
Poster for Six Feet Under
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i’ve been stuck on this review for a long time. ecotone is one of the most challenging pieces of media ever for me, very much above the level of other episodes in such category like family meeting and the real monster. i’ve watched this episode four times, i’ve taken notes and rewatched other episodes and gone to my own experiences and i’ve come to what i think is a fairly good interpretation. regardless, this episode (and of course everyone’s waiting) means so much to me. i can’t even understate how exponentially this episode in particular climbed in my favorite episodes list, i first placed it at #11 and in three days it climbed to #4, just above made in america and right below family meeting. i don’t even want to talk about this episode anymore to those who haven’t watched it. it’s just. if you’ve seen it you get it. it’s like a magic trick. [SPOILERS] (PART ONE, nate in the show…) i can’t speak for anyone else’s experience but this episode was a major subversion for me. this show makes its audience expect positive change, growth in all of these characters’ lives, and that’s what it (mostly) delivers on. nate sr’s death becomes the wake-up call for the cast, sending them to try to live better lives, which ends up extending to characters who aren’t affected by nate’s passing. this trend is clear in everyone: ruth learns to take control of her life, claire discovers who she is, and david accepts being gay along with making his love with keith work. even david pushes keith to better himself, forcing him to work on his anger issues. throughout the seasons, the entire cast begins to truly love themselves, very slowly evolving into being happier and more fulfilled people. except for one. nate is confusing. because while most characters grow into better people, nate only seems to continuously regress, disliking his environment no matter what despite him appearing to be following what would sensibly be the proper path. he reestablishes connections with his family, takes over his dad’s job as a funeral director, tries to settle down with brenda… and when that fails, mostly on his lack of presence in the relationship although moderately on brenda as well, he moves on to lisa hoping to have learnt his lesson, getting married and trying to raise a baby with her… and when that concludes, with nate being solely at fault had it not been for hoyt, nate feels directionless. he was doing what he was supposed to do, he was trying to make his love work and it was taken away from him by what seems like an unlucky and unfortunate event. he tried his best to progress just like everyone else, and his opportunity, his chance as he calls it, is stripped away from him. directionless for a full season, he returns to brenda and has a child with her, burying the memory of lisa. and even then, after going through this immensely long journey and finally settling back with who we imagine to be “the one,” nate still isn’t satisfied, he’s still depressed and unfulfilled. he spends his time far away from brenda, dissociating with meaningless tasks. and although he makes positive strides here and there, they are more often than not momentary and reveal themselves as failed promises. “…and i just feel like i had this once in a lifetime chance, and i fucked it up.” [3x12] why isn’t nate able to grow? he keeps trying, and time after time he fails, always to his own dissatisfaction. why? i questioned this anxiously as i pulled into the final episodes, keeping faith that even nate would complete his journey and fulfill himself. (PART TWO, nate in ecotone…) let’s talk about ecotone. this episode draws a lot of really smart parallels to the pilot, gathering the entire family together for nate’s death the same way they did for nate sr: both deaths are very sudden, both deaths involve the family members individually getting phone calls, both deaths involve one of claire’s boyfriends, and more. obviously these are cool references but i think they’re meant to be more significant than just that. what do we know about nate sr? a mysterious, complex man (1x6 room) who’s death left a very confusing message. both rushing into marriage and both seeing horrible violence (nate sr was in the vietnam war), nate sr and nate seem to have a lot in common. this makes a lot of nate’s plot as a character very ironic, trying his best not to become his dad until he devolves into him and eventually literally dies exactly like him. i think the parallels say more than that about nate, though. because really… why isn’t nate able to grow? is he just inherently self-destructive? is he unable to commit to others, and as brenda says, unable to commit to himself? or is he just destined with bad luck, unable to use an opportunity for something good? this questioned is heightened in the final season and especially emphasized pulling into this last stretch. i think a lot of it has to do with his parallels. nate does not do what fulfills him. what truly makes him happy, what really allows him to grow. he does what he thinks an adult should be doing, what he thinks adults are expected to do, while neglecting what HE wants. nate sr’s death acts as a wake-up call to the cast, forcing them to reflect and giving them a drive to do what truly makes them happy now that they are freed from their father or husbands expectations. nate, however, is not freed. his “wake-up call” instead acts as a call to the action of being an adult, something he has been neglecting his entire life considering the state we see him in the pilot. filled with grief, confusion, and the burden of what his father would have thought of him, he tries to do what he thinks he would have liked, along with what the “rules” set by society support. immature, rambunctious nate tries to live like an adult. so… he becomes a funeral director. he progresses his relationship with brenda, but finds himself dissociating once he learns about his amv. when that fails, seemingly not to his fault due to brenda’s cheating (of course caused by his dissociating) along with his amv, he moves on to lisa, thinking that’s the next logical step an adult would take. she’s already pregnant with his baby, and what else is there to do? once that fails, again, seemingly “not by his fault,” he finds himself directionless.. he’s been making all the right steps that adults should make, but external factors keep ruining his relationships. he’s so directionless that the second he gets closure on lisa, he goes home and asks brenda for a baby. because what else is there to do? and then we reach this final season, where there’s nothing left to ruin brenda and nate’s relationship… and it’s still not working. nate tries to keep his mind occupied with other women, or religion, or whatever will keep him busy and away from the silence, while brenda gets closer and closer and embraces it. nate just can’t figure out what’s wrong. (PART THREE, “the ecotone dream”) and i don’t think he figured it out. even though he takes a step in the right direction before his death by breaking up with brenda, he takes a few steps backward by immediately moving on to another woman, “as an adult should do,” being maggie. maybe she’s who he really, truly wants. maybe he’s still not living for himself and he’s just going through the motions. regardless, we get to see what he wants. nate and david’s dream, “the ecotone dream,” made me cry very hard. harder than everyone’s waiting, although i definitely cried more overall on that episode, this single scene brutalized me. it’s the first time we get to see what really fulfilled him, what he actually wanted. wow this paragraph is going to be difficult. he wakes up in his childhood bed on a sunny day, not a care or responsibility in sight. he gets up and breathes for a second. the horn honks. it’s his dad, seemingly an upbeat and relaxed version of nate sr, and his brother. david is a hippie here, which i think is saying less about him and more about nate. he wishes david were more like him, less tight and obsessed with the business and more relaxed and close with him. his dad, being the undertaker, walks him to his death, while his brother comforts him. they smoke weed in the car. david and nate laugh together. nate sr scolds them the way a father scolds a young teenager, but plays along with their bit right after. nate laughs so hard that it can be seen as maniacal, but also seen as an intense overflow of happiness. they’re all young and alive and happy and they’re laughing. maybe it’s just trying to show how absurd the overall situation is, that nate’s life is ending at such an awkward and abrupt point. they pull up to the beach. two white birds fly off, the same sort of bird that pecked on his wedding cake in 5x1. it was what he really wanted, who he really was, that always conflicted with the fake adult life he was trying to lead. everything is beautiful and nate is smiling for the first time in a long time. the ocean is shimmering and the birds are flying, he’s got no responsibilities or societal pressure, and he’s surrounded by those he truly loves. for the first time in really the entire show, we see what nate really wanted; what really fulfilled him… nate never wanted to be an adult. that just doesn’t fulfill him. he’s too childish, too rambunctious, too young-spirited. this is originally posed as something brenda and nate both share, but that becomes less and less true as brenda genuinely matures. nate acts as an adult without being one, he lived for others and for concepts created by others. he never got the real wake-up call that he needed to be happy, to live. GOOGLE DOC ⬇️ thank you guys for waiting 🐺🩷

criedhbo10teared upcobbler


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t5 scene ever for me tbh it’s so good
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ily tdonn
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It’s here😁
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Amazing review brother I will be reading that doc🤝🗿
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Phenomenal fucking analysis dude. Ecotone is so peak and it’s wild how some people think this episode misunderstood Nate as a character but is the most complex with how problematic and out of touch he is/feels
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Who says that☠️
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@fwadachi a couple people that misunderstand his character said that him cheating on Brenda with Maggie was out of character and his conclusion wasn’t satisfying which is such a laughable take 😭
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@Fwadachi i love you @Aliyan yeah i’ve heard that take, imo this episode couldn’t have been better for him
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My lord this review made me bust so much t5 Serializd peak oat
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another slayful review by shaww 🫶
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great review man. and yeah, "nate's dream" is literally nate's dream. in his final moments, he gets to be what he wanted to be, and what he wanted others to be (relaxed, not so uptight, basically just free).
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nate's dream is how he wants his life to be, and he has yearned for that his whole life. knowing he can't change anything now, he accepts and embraces his fate and the thing is he died after choosing to be the first one to jumped in the water and embrace the destination his path had lead him to. more about the beauty of embracing that it's your time and how you feel that laid back sense of freedom down to the last moment u can
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This could be the greatest review i’ve ever read
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Phenomenal review, the dream sequence might be my favorite scene in all of tv, its just so powerful and the dialogue is masterful too
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goated review for a goated episode
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Amazing bro I love this sm
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Babe wake up shaww posted
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Might be my favourite review ever tbh, this is phenomenal man
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i love u guys so much 🐺🩷
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I love you more king
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We love you!!
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You can make any man go on his knees if you wished
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i'm actually clinically depressed now because shaww has posted and i can't read it
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fucking watch
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or divorce
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oh deary me
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you’re my deary
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Wait perfect review bro good lord. Your everyone’s waiting review will break the character limit
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Shaww are u a socialist
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@tdonn it’s coming 🐺❤️
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@Fwadachi i fw marx and michael parenti a little 💔💔💔💔
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thank you for the comment, tdonn!
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yo @shaww the more you review, the more i think you may be slightly autistic (in a very positive way my little kitten)
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thank you for the information wxczut ❤️ i however do not think i’m autistic 💔
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Autism 👽
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I think bro is about to write the best review of all time
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times ticking shaww, where's that review buddy boy?? (i've never seen sfu)
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syrup get on me for a suprise
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sorry sorry was getting breakfast i'm getting on in a sec
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don’t apologise to tdonn 😡
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I will always apologise to tdonn
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Fantastic review
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Bros 2 years late 😭🙏
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Omg salted hi
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We never getting that all alone review bru😭
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ok deadass the reviews are coming soon
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Ecotone is a masterpiece
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All alone> imo but ecotone still t20 oat
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guys ok deadass all alone review is gonna be out this week i put it on griddy
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[Comment removed for violating community guidelines]
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Put it on skibidi right fucking now 😠
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@shaww review for everyone’s waiting better be peak and worth while. If it ain’t, everyone’s edging at this point
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How u like that new nettspend shaww
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@Fwadachi it’s fire but idk how i feel abt the mix tbh
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release the all alone review or the frog gets it @shaww 🐸🔫
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release the review and I’ll be happy 🫶
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do you want to be the cause of this poor animal's pain and suffering?
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thank you my sweetie pie 💖
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tick tock ⏰ @shaww
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Shaww I'm gonna break my edgestreak 😠😠
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I dont know how much longer i can do this shaww...
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all alone this week... it's Sunday shaww
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chat stop holding me to my promises
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Hey girly
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Shaww I'll start sfu if u upload the review today
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think about how quickly I logged got last night tdonn
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i got my ap human geo exam on tuesday chat i didn’t plan for this.
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Fuck your "studies" I want SIX FEET UNDER
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I aced that bi
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Shaww you don’t need the ap exam. I did horrible on mine and I got in to every college I applied for. Plus the only studies worth not watching tv for are college stuffs
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She’s lying if you don’t get a 5 your gonna be a homeless failure
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i’m aiming for a 4 chat i do NOT want a 3
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thank you for the advice, ewilliams!
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Allat revision for a 4 up your game son and get an 8
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Guys give him time some people got a life 😭
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If you have serializd you don’t have a life
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Speak for yourself
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Can confirm
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screen its my all over
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drake dropped
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Shit got more likes den views
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Sorry but no way he coming back from not like us and meet the grahams 😭🙏
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It’s low key ass and seems like he tryna draw out the beef
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drake is done 3
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did i deadass just type 3
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“you hypersexualize black women, you are a rapist pedophile running sex rings, and you are hiding multiple children” “no 🐺❌”
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Bro was talking about facts but accused Kendrick of beating women with no proof
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Bro was done for the second Kendrick dropped "Dear Adonis, I'm sorry that man is your father"
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Drake is actually the most overrated artist oat. I’ve never heard a drake song I enjoyed and I can name over 50 rappers better than drake
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Dude literally said "you hate me for being a pedo cuz you got molested" who disses someone for getting molested other than a fucking predator?? And Kendrick DIDN'T EVEN GET MOLESTED, he missed the entire point of Mother I Sober. Mf really said "I'm too famous to be a pedo" as his defense too when there's a video of him knowingly kissing and making sexual comments about a 17yo girl, in the year that all that shit with P Diddy happened.
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Fucking dumbass doesn't even know that B Sharp isn't a note either, and either way it was a corny ass bar that could have been written by a 15 year old. I highly doubt he really set up Kendrick with the daughter shit too when he's lied the entire beef and 5 lines before says "the people giving you information are clowns"
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I made the most audible sigh in the b sharp d flat part of the song
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You know you failed when you got a website dedicated to shows shitting on you for no reason
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Guys, if drake has a daughter, then why isn't she in his family photos 🙄
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Drake won
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Kendrick is the pedo. Free drake he ain’t do nothing 🙅‍♂️😈
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Did u pass ur test shawwy
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i got a 4 on my math i prob got a 4 on the aphg 🐺🐺🐺🥂🥂
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Cool you did good. Now where tf is the review
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soon 😊
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Shaww are you proud of my yap work?
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bruh i’d read if i’d seen twin peaks smh
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i’m sure it’s beautiful saam 🐺🩷
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Watch twin peaks right MEOW
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