if you love crime, murder mysteries, gay people (and their funny selves) please watch this. you won't be disappointed. I don't even like crime shows that much so I was worried about it being 40+ mins but it's so fast paced that you don't even feel it. this show keeps you on edge and is NOT predictable whatsoever even if you're a crime lover.
it also doesn't confuse you to the point of not understanding a single thing and it's clear about a plot twist once it's revealed. it has the perfect amount of mystery, suspense, comedy, everything. I'd say it's the best crime show I've watched.
I started this for bilal hasna but quickly realised that this show is so much greater than just a thirst watch. and all the other cast were amazing too especially vivian oparah. need to see so much more of all the cast cuz they all played their characters so incredibly and convincingly.
I'd love if it got renewed cuz there's still room for a ton of storyline but I also don't mind if there isn't more because it ended perfectly but how do I even expect a second season with the obnoxiously low promotion it has?! amazon prime always does this with it's queer shows it's SICK. which is one of the reasons why I decided to review this show even tho I rarely write an overall show review but I just have to promote it in any way I can tbh.
that being said, if you see me recommending this show to you it's not out of promotion or anything I genuinely think you'd enjoy it <3