if you're planning to watch this show I don't advise you to read this review (I can just mark it as a spoiler but my finale reviews are rare so please let me have this)
incredible incredible incredibleeeee finale! I don't usually write season finale reviews but I just have to for this one. I just love it when finales feel like the end of a season and setting up for something even greater and more exciting and not just a normal episode of the season. this one was a masterpiece and the writing was one of the best they've done in the show.
writing the characters getting over some of their biggest hardships was amazing. and they didn't just do it to jen, they included all the main characters and that's what I love. seeing each character contribute to helping another character was something so meaningful and it really ties them together as friends who truly love eachother.
kash: being so afraid to make mistakes and fuck up that he keeps using his powers and rewinding back time to the point where he's obsessed with perfecting every little thing. which they've shown throughout the whole show but especially during the musical, with how he kept rewinding back time to achieve his perfect idea of the musical which is hard because it will always be impossible to reach actual perfection no matter how many times you try to redo it. jen saying "our mistakes teach us, but only if we are brave enough
to make them" made him realise that using his powers to fix his mistakes will never make him actually learn and improve from them. now that's something I deeply relate to and I know that if I had his power I'd abuse it in the same way he did too. I feel like his arc touched me so deeply and I actually relate to him in a lot more ways than I thought. he was a terrible partner to carrie last season and he even used his power to try to fix mistakes he's done in the relationship by love bombing her and failing to see what's best for her and even for him. which is an immoral thing to try to keep someone from breaking up with you when you know deep down why and that they should. and it isn't the first time he abused his powers for the purpose of fixing mistakes, it's actually how he uses his powers all the time which made me realize that it might be why they stopped working correctly and made him fast forward to the future unwillingly. it's a shame that this is how he uses his powers because they actually can be used for much more powerful and interesting things so I hope we get to see better use of them next season.
"it's gonna be hard for me, but I promise to try my best to fuck up in the future." now that quote is going to the bio lol
carrie: she's been the least selfish person anyone has ever met, and that's not a compliment (like her friends say). in this episode, being in charge backstage has helped her be more assertive when needed which is something she's struggled with her whole life. she's been too considerate of people's feelings and comfort more than her own which doesn't only hurt her, but them too because sometimes their comfort isn't what's best for them either. she said she felt alive for the first time while she was backstage and that's so relatable. I have some characteristics to carrie and being this way just kills you slowly. you always wonder why you're so considerate to people when they're not even close to being as considerate to you and that's because your selflessness shouldn't harm you. you're way too considerate and sometimes you shouldn't expext that of people. seeing carrie get over this (and not in an unrealistic 'now you're gonna be my bitch and telling you to do the right thing isn't hard for me at all' way) and how good it felt to her made me want to try improving this aspect of myself too.
robert (not calling him jizzlord ever again I'm sorry I can't do this shit anymore): finally being able to give his kittens away to a better environment. he was so afraid that they'd experience the same sense of feeling lost, unloved and that he doesn't belong when he first switched back to being a human and had to learn how to live and experience the world all over again, but carrie made him realise it's nothing like how he sees it when she said "we adopted you, and we love you. someone will adopt these kittens and love them. you belong with us. do you understand? now, as soon as this musical is over, you march your lily white ass homeand find owners for those adorable munchkins" (I had to add that last part lol). he realised that his kittens could very well end up with a happy ending like he did and was able to let go.
jen: speaking of letting go, jen was able to finally let go of her dad who's passed away which is something I can never imagine myself doing if I lost anyone. her constantly channeling her dad through carrie was extremely understandable and something I'd do too but it was also damaging to everyone around her including herself. it's the reason why she wasn't able to get her power until 25 years old, it makes carrie feel a sense of obligation to do it because who would wanna deny their best friend from talking to their dead dad? which is also something in carrie's character development as well, it has hurt her mom significantly which she has failed to understand why until her dad made her realised how messed up it is. kash saying "if I wanna become the hero I was born to be, I have to let you go. I will mourn your passing,
but I have to move on." related so much to her situation with how she needs to let go of her dad to get her powers and made her realise that it's time (her breakdown after that is so real). it was a really selfless act of jen to finally let him go, and self love because it's how she can finally get her power that she's strived to get all her life. jen in general has had such amazing character development especially from last season. she's become a much better and more thoughtful friend, she's better with learning from her mistakes and even admitting them. and when she caught herself trying to push robert away when she yelled "no it's fine!... I want to be alone" which I feel like is one of the biggest improvements she's had because she tends to push people away when things get too vulnerable and it ends up hurting them too. I also love how her character development was realistic and slow because we still saw her mess up a couple of times this season, but this time she's been able to admit it and possibly fix her mistakes. and I wanna talk about how gut renching it must've felt to do something as hard as letting go of your dad and still not get your power... I'm sure she would've gotten it at some point later but I get her huge feeling of disappointment when you do something as big as that and it still doesn't work. I would've thought about jumping in the void too idk. I cried a bit during jen's scene when she let her dad go. like fuck that broke me.
as for the season overall, my rating is a solid 4.5/5. it would've been a 5 stars but I really hated the constant relationship problems throughout the season. it's not like they don't make sense because they absolutely do but it just got too much drama for me when I wanted to see more powers/light hearted stuff. I really don't mind character drama but it gets on my nerves when it's about couples. I'm still upset about kash cheating on clark which is a whole topic of its own but I was expecting to see some kind of discussion about it this episode and we got none. but with kash, something that meant the world to me was his bisexual discovery and it made me feel so connected to him. and just thank god they made him bi cuz he became so much less insufferable after that lol. I loved seeing kash in makeup especially that blue eyeshadow OH MY GOD he slayed so hard on that. like omg I WON!!!
season 1 felt like the setup of the show and we saw every character at their worst, and this season is the opposite of that. the character developments went so hard for every main character and I love that so much, it was so heartwarming to watch. they also made it somehow relatable with every character because I could see myself as kash, carrie, jen, and even robert (him being the least relatable lol I'm just not a cat that can turn into a man) (but his lack of social cues is actually sooo me so nvm). I feel like I'd be all of these characters in this show but especially the failure side of me would've been a jen. I favor this season much more even tho it still had it's flaws which I hope we see less of in the upcoming season.
season 3 has the most exciting setup of them all because we'd get to see the plot of jen being stuck in the void which we've only seen grass of and what she's looking up at towards the sky seems to be absolutely insane. I can't even express how exciting that sounds to me. like is the void basically the afterlife ??? maybe even a world without any powers at all which sounds so chaotic if jen got her powers which I would loveee to see, esp if the other characters are included so we basically get a superhero group in a world of people without powers. which is just how typical superhero shows are but still, we could get both. I'm just worried about how the other characters would play into this since they're outside the void and I'm just hoping that they're gonna jump in to get to her even if it doesn't happen immediately (if it doesn't, I hope we at least get split separate storylines). i actually wouldn't mind if they didn't go in the void for an episode or two so we'd get a cute heartwarming reunion scene cuz I'm such a sucker for that. this show does a really good job with distributing separate character storylines and I hope they continue with that in season 3 if we get the characters living in different universes.
this review is a bit longer but serializd told me to quit yapping. if you're interested in the full review: https://tvtime.com/r/30w0M