Backdrop poster for Outlander (2014)
Outlander (2014)
Poster for Outlander
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Thank you for your very heartfelt comment. Most people does not look aside from the fact that there is rape happening to ask the question of why it is happening (perhaps as they should, given that it would be even more disturbing if no one reacted). But I think that there is a reason for the show creators to show us this scene aside from "shock value" (as you call it). And I completly agree with the fact that people think that it's "even worse" because there's two men, and I think that that just
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2, shows that the rape of women in media is something that has been done so much that people have become de-sensitized by it, which I think is a great shame as rape is always something awful. Still, male rape is very underrepresented and (if we should try to look at this in a positive light) is something we need more respresentation of (although maybe not as graphic)
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