This is hands down one of the best Netflix original shows released. It’s 100% worth all its hype. It’s engaging, suspenseful and such a roller coaster of emotions. Constantly back and forth between sadness and rage for these characters situation because of the inhumane treatment they received and the evil things some did for money.
This show was well acted, visually incredible and the plot was rich and progressed perfectly. The sadness part of the show is how much it reflects the darkness of real life. In a society under capitalism where many actions are fueled by money, seeing the lengths these people went through just to get over to get out of debt was heart breaking. No one should have to be that desperate for money but financial security is unfortunately not a luxury many of us are afforded.
The most sinister part of it all was discovering that all these horrifying activities were simply for the Rich’s entertainment. Squid game showcased how rich people often exploit poor people for their own benefit without a care in the world. They have no interest in learning their names and essentially do not view the players as human referring to them only by their number. Whenever I stepped away from each episode thinking about how much this reflects real life even it is heavily dramatized just felt so disheartening. Placing monetary value on human life is insane and it’s interesting watching so many of the characters in the game lose their sense of humanity just for the sake of profit.
I think the entire layout of the show is genius. Turning these innocent games of childhood into life and death situations was genius. I also found the main group of protagonists very likable and got invested in them all quickly. This show is honestly probably one of my favourite 2021 releases like the layout of it all was just really perfect. There’s so much happening and so much to think about and I could barely look away. This is excellent.
The only downfall is that I think it the finale needed to be reworked and it couldve and ended on a stronger note