Backdrop poster for Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion (2006)
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion (2006)
Poster for Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion
Of the many things to say about Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion (and R2) the least would be that it does very little in the way of a typical anime. Sure it hits some of the big marks (mech, action, busty women, impossible protagonist), but what it does that's different is was makes it such a good show. For all of the "triumphs" Lelouch sees, he often finds a series of setbacks or drawbacks. Suzaku always spoils the party, he has to make tough, despicable calls, etc. There's always another rung to the ladder in his ascent to success. There are a lot of times where it's hard to sympathize with him, where you're maybe even rooting for the other side; other times, uneasy alliances are made, characters are betrayed, a character you like might stab a character you love in the back. Such is the tumultuous 50 episodes of Code Geass. There are hints during the final act that Lelouch has a much bigger plan than what he lets on, as well, his marauding is quite against his normal behavior. He may come across as smug or pretentious at times (especially as Zero), but to rule the world is just too much. What his masterplan is, what the endgame is, though remains to be seen until the final moments of the show. Which is a blessing and a curse. It wraps the story up neatly, but it would have been nice to get a further taste of the world Lelouch and Suzaku created, but we only get around a minute or so of it and that is a bit of a shame. What really makes this episode so ascendant, however, is the fact that this show is so unpredictable, and so consistent in its unpredictability and quality throughout that having a final episode so on the money and so cathartic is a testament to Code Geass and the writers. It could have sucked a thousand different ways, but they crafted a fantastic conclusion to a fantastic series. One that will certainly be looked back on in the decades to come as one of the masterworks of anime. 10/10.
