Walking dead season 1 was phenomenal. I loved the way they built the world in such a short amount of episodes, I’m a real sucker for zombies so this was a real good treat.
The cast is very good, although most characters haven’t really had the time to develop, but it’s obvious what characters will shine.
They told a very good story though out the first 6 episodes, although sometimes it felt a TAD rushed, but next season has 13 episodes I believe so it will be able to be more fleshed out.
Rick is an incredible main character and I just KNOW his development is gonna be crazy, and I’m looking forward to seeing it all unfold.
There was only 1 episode which was slightly boring to me, and 5 which I thought were very good.
Overall this was a short season, but a very impactful season and I’m looking toward to seeing the next what, 10 seasons??
Top 5 characters
1. Rick
2. Shane
3. Glenn
4. Daryl
5. T Dog
Top 3 episodes
1. 1x1
2. 1x4
3. 1x6
Overall season rating — 8.8/10