beautiful piece of television and directing by lulu wang but just too long there's no need for a tv episode to be over an hour especially if it's not moving the plot along( does this even have a plot anymore???) i'm not entirely sure i get introducing a whole new world of this world in the penultimate ep
that being said it it's such an interesting way to expand on the story and i really enjoyed seeing the lives of people who experiences i knew little about before it was the episode i was most looking forward to and while not what i expected at all i rly enjoyed it and i can rly understand its hype
i’m definitely gonna revisit this in the future and watch it like a film i think ill enjoy it more that way going in expecting a 45min ep only to end up with something 100 mins definitely and unfortunately did taint this a bit and i also think watching it outside of the show will make more sense but idk the direction and acting is rly where this shines