Backdrop poster for Serial Experiments Lain (1998)
Serial Experiments Lain (1998)
Poster for Serial Experiments Lain
I just want to make it very clear that even though most would consider a 6/10 show a 'bad' show, that isn't how my ratings work. I do like Serial Experimental Lain but when I compare it to some shows that I have given a 7/10, I just don't think that it is as strong as them. I don't necessarily have any examples of bad writing but I subjectively don't like it as much as say AOT for example. Even though that show is riddled with issues, there are still many more scenes and characters that I 100% prefer. The way I compare shows is that I ask myself, would I rather show A exist or show B exist? and I usually come to a conclusion fairly quickly. TL;DR: I think this show is pretty good but there are also other shows that I enjoy more and that shouldn't be rated the same. As for the actual content of the show, Serial experimental Lain is a show with a unique style that makes it stand out from the other animes I have watched. The pacing can be somewhat slow at times but I wouldn't actually say that it is something that I dislike about the show. The visuals and the sound design gives off an almost eerie and unnerving feeling which I think works very well with the structure and style they were going for. It is a show that will leave you curious and confused as for what will happen next or what is even happening at all. Not everyone will understand what the show is trying to say with some of the visuals and the subtle elements in the story, I know fully well I didn't in certain episodes but I think everyone will understand the basic gist of it. The character of Lain and her place in all this is greatly explored and thought out as she throughout the show questions her own existence and starts to worry what is real and what isn't. You may think that you understand what is going on and where it is all heading, but this show will mess with your mind but when it's over, you'll be pretty satisfied with how everything played out. My last three animes have been this, Prison School and the Monogatari series so I think it's about time I watch something that is a little more normal. Overall: Low 5 (Top 30 Show) Episodes Ranked: 1) EGO🥇 2) LANDSCAPE🥈 3) RUMORS🥉 4) RELIGION 5) LOVE Characters Ranked: 1) Lain🥇 2) Eiri🥈 3) Arisu🥉
