Poster for Gangs of London
Gangs of London is a first rate crime thriller with the level of performances and writing of Game of Thrones with the insanely well choreographed and filmed action of Evans’ The Raid films. The entire cast is excellent but in particular I was floored by Sope Dirisu, as I had never seen him in anything else but he absolutely blew me way. I hope to see him in a ton more stuff. He’s not just dramatically talented, but also throws himself headlong into incredible fight sequences and you can tell he’s doing the vast majority of it, if not all of it. The final stretch of this show had me constantly gasping at the directions the story took, and the finale threw me through a loop. I have no idea where this show is going and I love that. I can’t recommend this show highly enough. The production values are off the charts, it’s so well written and acted and has some of the best action I have ever seen on tv. It’s quite violent though, so if you have a weak stomach you might have a tough time.
