I’m sorry guys this wasn’t it at all.
I wasn’t really expecting it to be good in the first place but I’m still disappointed. There is a reason why S1 worked so well, because it was an original idea, a story, a work of passion & not stories written just for the sake of fitting the format/anthology. And this here doesn’t even feel like it deserves to be called True Detective just like S2. At least S3 tried & did the bare mimimum of being a good detective story & investigation that builds mystery & sets the tone & atmosphere decently. Now I might be wrong, maybe they’ll do a total 180 in the upcoming episodes, but the fact that there are only 6 episodes & the pilot was so mediocre doesn’t help it. The dialogue here is definitely dialogue that was written by a writer. The characters aren’t just interesting to me at all. Navarro is just straight up irritating I’m sorry guys, & the hypocrisy of her calling out Liz’s attitude💀. I would have been fine with it, if they were self-aware about her arrogancy & hypocrisy like with Martin. Jodie Foster’s Liz Danvers hard carried this. I also like the kid who stole from his dad for her. Even small things, like the opening credits for this anthology which are considered some of the best ever on TV, they dropped the ball here, we went from the slow, mysterious & haunting opening credits of S1 to this extremely fast edited visuals with pop-music. From Far From Any Road & Nevermind to Billie Eilish is wild😭. I’m still gonna watch it through to the end because I wanna see how well it holds up to the rest of the seasons, more specifically S2 & S3, S1 is out of this conversation & miles above. I’m still hoping they prove me wrong in the upcoming episodes & this ends up being good.
And where tf is Christopher Eccleston? Where’s my GOAT?
Also guys, ik I’ve not really been active on here, I’m just not really watching a lot of TV shows recently. I’ve been focusing a lot more on movies, video games, my YT channel & just life in general. But with weekly episodes of this I’m gonna get back to using this more, not as much as I used to, but more than I have been recently. And I’m also thinking of starting a show that I haven’t seen soon. I’m just not sure which rn. Any recommendations would be appreciated.