Backdrop poster for The Wire (2002)
The Wire (2002)
Poster for The Wire
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The Wire (2002)
I love this show. 1. Final Grades 2. Middle Ground 3. That’s got his own 4. Late Editions 5. Bad Dreams 6. Mission accomplished 7. Cleaning up 8. Home Rooms 9. 30 10. A new day


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30 too low imo
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Cleaning up overrated asf 😭 -30- slams
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30 top 4 atleast
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I love cleaning up. Shit made me sad fr 😔
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Still 30 destroys
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I disagree 😊
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W but 30 placement is a crime
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I like 30 a lot
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I dont believe you
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@jack_46 a fire ass school episode in season 4 🔥
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Its the first school episode right?
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Indeed it is
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Middle ground better imo 🤓☝️
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Home rooms Started off one of if not THE best plotline in tv
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@ConorBrowny both masterpieces 🤝
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@Saam so real
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Cleaning up is just an average level wire s1 episode with one moment worth of notice. People just overrate it so they can act like s1 had a peak episode
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@AndreasBolton THAT moment was enough for me to have it so high
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Nah cleaning up is peak the whole way through imo
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It may be the easiest 5 of all time, what are you yapping about 😭
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@jack_46 I like s5 😔
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@Saam name a few remarkable moments outside of the Wallace thing
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@tdonn7 it was great but idk it wasnt like THAT great. Its not rooftop scene level ill tell you that
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@jack_46 W on s5. S1 and 2 are both like 7.5/10s imo
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@AndreasBolton very few scenes are rooftop level
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@jack_46 5.5 is diabolical
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I swear I never saw anyone hate on S5 till I downloaded this app
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@AndreasBolton the police raids and the "where's Wallace" scene
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Fair enough
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Wasnt ‘’where’s wallace’’ in sentencing? Cause he was in prison during that scene and he was arrested in ep 13?
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I'm pretty sure it was the final scene of 1x12
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S5 abandoned so many good characters. Cutty, Prez and Randu have zero screentime and Carcetti goes from one of the most vibrant and fun characters on the show to a boring politician that doesnt even feel like a character
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all tht and so much more just dropped completely so we can focus on that dull media plotline with dogshit characters no one cared about and a whole storyarc dedicated to Clay Davis
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Don’t care McNulty serial killer era >
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S5 was incredible imo the character work for the police department was peak
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Also hot take but omar has one of my favorite character conclusions oat
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Nay’s character had a fitting conclusion in s4 so him and Colvin i was fine with. But Randy getting dropped came out of fucking nowhere
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@Saam his conclusion was fine but the realism and symbolism alone cant carry a conclusion, it could have been done better
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@AndreasBolton Where’s Wallace happens at the moment be of Cleaning Up
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I love Omar’s conclusion
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*at the end of the Cleaning Up
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Omar’s conclusion was perfect, had me punching air the rest of the episode
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@AndreasBolton I understand that but I love how they managed to sum up pretty much all of the shows themes with just one conclusion
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Personally 30 too low, but W top 4
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S5 gets too much hate but I do think it’s the weakest of the show. Rating it lower than a 7/10 is too harsh imo
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@taylorvillax i give the wire s5 a 7/100
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S5 is like a low 8 for me
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@andreasBolton S5 besides the media plot wasn’t that bad. The first half of the season isn’t very good, but it does manage to stick the landing ending wise
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@misotv s5 isnt bad just dull and SUCH a missed oppertunity
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@andreasBolton that’s true. Unfortunately wasn’t making enough money and had to make the last season short and lost some good writers. But Omar’s conclusion is really good and overall really good character conclusions. Omar’s conclusion is wasn’t just bc of realism, if you go back to 3x6 talk with Bunk, Omar not leaving Baltimore and influencing the kids to be like him was foreshadowing for his death.
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Yeah i understand the Omar thing bit still, not making enough money and having bts issues wont make the season better as an excuse imo. What matters is the end product
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@AndreasBolton I get that. Media plot was the worst plot in the show for sure
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30 is so overrated on this app
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@jack_46 bland, boring, and the end to a mid season 💯
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It’s really good imo
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W and 5x9 is an easy 5
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no s4 or s5 ep is a 5 imo
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@jack_46 s4 probably my hottest take
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@jack_46 the shield s5 victim
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I like the brba s5 take but the wire and return takes make my blood boil
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@jack_46 the leftovers s2, tp s1-3, brba s5, felina, the wire s4-5, hannibal s3, the americans s1-3 and s5-6, sopranos s5, dark s2, fargo s2, and fleabag s1 are my hottest
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30 too low but huge W
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