Backdrop poster for BLUE LOCK (2022)
BLUE LOCK (2022)
Poster for BLUE LOCK
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-GENUINELY SO INSANE BUT SO FUNNY like this show is the definition of insane -u must choose: do u want a haikyu-type sweet hs sports anime or SEND ALL THE TOP HS FORWARDS INTO A GIANT INSANE BUILDING AND MAKE THEM COMPETE INSANELY FOR THE FORWARD SPOT ON JAPANS NATIONAL TEAM .. also if they fail here they can never make it on the national team ever💀 -entire show is forward propaganda -(i might be biased to have this be my favorite sports anime bc soccer is the best sport) character time: -isagi: is a Normal Guy LMAO jk he’s so good at improving (the whole pt of like his character) -bachira: quite literally got that dog in him💀i love how isagi is so attached to him LMFAO -nagi: a little shit fs but he’s kinda silly . also i get him .. i too love isagi -chigiri: .. can i say anything abt him besides the fact that he’s babygirl -niko: lowk one of my fave characters even tho he has like no screen time . idk what it is bro just has the skills i respect -how could i not add ego HES JUST INSANE they animated him kinda gross in like the best way (well shows that he’s insane) ok there are so many more characters and generally most of them are lads (except for the fucken brothers i hated them .. they just looked weird💀💀)
